昨天團練時有位車友跟老K說他的HS-33煞把微調鈕壞掉, 這個零件目前還不容易獲得, 因此變成有點麻煩的問題, 剛好這個情形我以前也遇到過, 因此就把這個煞把微調鈕使用上應注意的...  [看更多]
1. how much is a rb?
180 dollars canadian for the carbon fiber one. 160 for regular.

2. Is that different in right and left?
they can be used for both left and right. the master cylinder can also be removed from the lever...  [看更多]
個人的解決方案 , 等用到滑牙 , 乾脆就把它黏死就好了 , 問題不是那麼複雜 .
反正調了煞車皮間隙也是會跑掉阿 ,
乾脆就調夾器就好了 .
有一天小陳跟我說他想要把HS-33的煞車換掉, 原因是HS-33產生的噪音受到社區居民的抗議, 因此他要練車就必須到比較遠的公園去, 原來這就是有的人會想用碟煞的原因之一.

過去我對碟...  [看更多]
星期六遇到孝權,她後煞也是HS33,同樣的....聲...  [看更多]

可能之前~ 動不動就按後煞...  [看更多]
mark 張貼於 2009/09/18
話說不久前把BIONIC B1的大車拆賣掉以後, 拿其中的組件將一台MONTY 221PR組裝起來玩, 而這台221其實跟我經常在用的有椅子的219車架幾何大同小異, 221就是我最近放上來的影片那台...  [看更多]
high bb makes your obliques very sore, because you need to use more core muscle to balance.
話說自從換了假毛 BIONIC B4 以後, 自覺功力當場就提昇了百分之20, 而在昨晚的大稻埕團練時發現TONY騎來真毛的MONTY KAMEL 221 (十萬元), 當我看到TONY跳來跳去的時候大吃一驚, TONY換上這...  [看更多]
I just finished building my new rockman kortz. It's a little bit heaver than my slate at 8.78kg (slate was 8.5). I had my first ride on the bike today, and it feels amazing. Despite the longer wheel base, the bike feels shorter than...  (看全文)
this is not true. the rb lever has a lot more power than a standard magura lever, so without the booster it is a little bit mushy. i did try the frame without. the brake works much better with the booster.

when i put a...  [看更多]
凱文同學說因為那個RB油壓煞把力道太強了, 沒用BOOSTER的話煞車時有太軟的感覺(因為車架被撐開), 若是用HS-33的煞把時他就不需要用BOOSTER.