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沒想到今天第一次嘗試新的側跳方試,就很順利!那顆接...  [see more]
I'm not teaching you anything anymore ='(
LOL no~~~~~~~~~~~ I Neeeeeeeed You!!!!!
youtube link
除了看到那T-shirt 也一直看到紅牛的頭盔 那紅牛該給錢給DigDeep 還是DigDeep 同意讓紅牛搭便車 但是也要付錢給 Danny??
vimeo link
We spent a day in Victoria with Canadian Champion John Webster. John is the first Canadian elite rider to get into the finals at UCI worlds. In this video, he shares with us his experience during the competition, and what...  [see more]
LOL!! yea! i got 12000NTD award!! you know that im soooooo rich!! :)
wow thats allot of cash! ummm lets see, $12000nt, thats about $970EC
i don't think i can ever ride like that...
sure you can dude, you're way better than that. so hurry up with the vid, i can't wait!