He insisted on cutting my pedals to see how light we could get them. the final weight is 210g for the pair. It looks scary as hell, but apparently Adrian rode his mg-1 like this for over 6 months. We'll see....

I'll make sure...  (看全文)
鋸 + 銼 + 磨 + 其他.....

未來的市場將會出現一種 K1 牌踏板, 軸心當然是鈦合金, 名稱叫做 變形蟲.
i actually think without the middle part, the pedal has more gril. i can flex the center of my foot into the pedal more.
一年多前我提出一個問題: "單輪站立時要如何平衡?", 小江說: "單輪站著時是沒辦法一直保持平衡的."

這個意思就是單輪的站立就跟雙輪的定竿一樣並沒有一個完全平衡的點, 雙輪定竿熟...  [看更多]
雖然是有點老的文章了 今天再次細細品味一番
眾多高手經驗分享與詳細的技巧分析 真是使人受益非淺
練攀岩車一年多來 初級的基本動作也漸漸成型
可是就是跳起來很累與不穩...  [看更多]
最近生活忙到翻很難像以前那樣寫一堆心得, 回顧這篇文發現我的話實在很多. 對了, 小女在前天 2010/10/3星期日完婚, 由於多年來我都沒在參與邀宴, 這事我也依樣低調進行並沒請朋友來...  [看更多]
Kevin 張貼於 2010/10/02
Here's the last vtt2 to leave wherestheseat.com. Number 15!!
老K 張貼於 2010/10/01
The taper headtube ideal and suggestion was from Mr. AJ almost 8 months ago so I have to appreciate to him.
i'd love to see the fork actually. if there is a cheaper alternative for tapered trials forks then it'd really help push the new standard.