新手練攀岩車不一定需要很大的場地, 只要一小塊地方就可以練習某些基本動作.
看騎的是什麼咖結果就不相同, A咖可以直接點跳到後面的欄杆上, 其他的咖就倒插或上天堂等.....
Kevin 張貼於 2010/07/07
just saw raymond's aurem 3 built up. i had a lot of trouble getting butted spokes in the length required for those wheels. turned out pretty good though! The born carbon bar is also a nice touch!
I didn't assemble the bike for him. He just got bar/frame/wheels/tires from us.
Is there any way to calculate the spoke length?? It always wears me out finding suitable ones.....
Kevin 張貼於 2010/07/07
just got our try-all shift tires....well, half of our order. still waiting for another box.

had a test ride on the front tire today. it is really narrow, but feels like it has more volume than it actually does. the grip is intense!

ill write a more in depth review in a couple days:)
Kevin 張貼於 2010/07/07
still waiting on our custom color kortz, but here are the black and green ones. the frame sold out within an hour of arriving!

it's 20g lighter than the latest batch of slate 2 frames, but the frame is constructed with sc7000 scandium rather than u6. even just pushing on the frame by hand i can tell that it is very stiff.

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