mark 張貼於 2010/07/12
這幾天找了幾根木頭開始練習騎獨木橋, 騎獨木橋看起來就是直直的騎, 可是就像定竿有獨特的技巧一樣, 獨木橋並不是直直騎就能騎得過去, 有時身體扭出一種感覺的時候才能夠平衡, 那...  [看更多]
英文不行 聽不懂在說什
上障礙直線騎乘跟平地直線騎乘 感覺真的很不一樣
Kevin 張貼於 2010/07/08
too bad i don't get to ride one =(
i removed some grey spots in the background though. other than that, the photos are straight out of the camera
新手練攀岩車不一定需要很大的場地, 只要一小塊地方就可以練習某些基本動作.
看騎的是什麼咖結果就不相同, A咖可以直接點跳到後面的欄杆上, 其他的咖就倒插或上天堂等.....
Kevin 張貼於 2010/07/07
just saw raymond's aurem 3 built up. i had a lot of trouble getting butted spokes in the length required for those wheels. turned out pretty good though! The born carbon bar is also a nice touch!
I didn't assemble the bike for him. He just got bar/frame/wheels/tires from us.
Is there any way to calculate the spoke length?? It always wears me out finding suitable ones.....