
話說剛騎攀岩車不久時就想到弄一台多功能攀岩車, 既能玩攀岩技術也能上街拉風騎, 於是就花了一萬多兩銀子買了一台MONTY 230街攀車的車...  [看更多]
是 "會長發紅包/MONTY 230車架每支2500元" 嗎?

"小光訂購一台, 還有最後一個機會."

以前這台車的成車一台售價是45000元, 2500元買回去當曬衣架都划得來.

FrankYueh 張貼於 2007/06/05
Oh ~~ u have got it wrong ~~ i iooked less better then u ~~
Alvin 張貼於 2010/03/16
請臥各位大大以BIONIC-B2R ZHI-Z3-20 ECHO-09-LITE這三種車架,哪一種強度比較夠?

請各位朋友多多分享感想,網路資源不多..有朋友願意幫我重...  [看更多]
are they both around +60 or +65? thats not really high bb for a 20" bike. They should both be fine to learn on. Both very close in strength too, tho the quality, finish, and alignment on the echo will be slightly better.

兩者的BB...  [看更多]
Kevin 張貼於 2010/03/15
i was building a transition bottle rocket, but decided to go for a more aggressive hard tail instead. im still waiting for my truvativ hammerschmidt (internal gearbox on a crank!!) setup, so i threw some oem cranks that are probably going to kill me. Im really glad...  (看全文)
The SEAT say to the REAR TIRE: " Hey! back up! you kissed my ass."