在下坡的地形或是在石頭上往下傾斜的時候, 要將前輪踩起來開始點跳比平面地形困難很多, 請問這時應該用什麼樣的方法會比較容易踩起前輪?
不會練練前高後低的 rocking 先...?!!
斜坡 下來沒控制好 一定翻車 很慘 還引來大笑... (路人說 這個人好可憐歐 長這麼大 連腳踏車都不會騎)
I just finished building this bike for chris. it feels amazingly similar to my kortz, which costs almost 3 times as much to build. I honestly think this bike may be the best value for money. take a look at chris's review :

http://www.richmondtrials...  [看更多]
that's some sxxt load of money...the ministry of finance is the one I need to convince tho...
seriously, is a 24" well worth it? I like the feeling that a 26" one can ride up some obstacles with ease but at the same time it's...  [看更多]
if you guys can organize 3-4 people for a group buy, shipping shouldn't be too expensive. as for the 24, it really depends on what kind of riding you want to do. it is more for street and faster style of riding, rather than tgs.
學攀岩車有很多的問題, BTT雖然已經提供了很多資訊, 有時候針對特定的小問題沒辦法一下子直接找到答案.

新人: 為什麼攀岩車用力踩就會跳起來變成單輪立著?

馬克: 不僅如此, 如果很用...  [看更多]
真的很難 做了人有往上了但車子沒動 一下來腳就會打到踏板 真難啊