下午四五點時去, 太陽正好, 風挺大的, 很涼快,

加上那邊剛除草後不久, 非常好騎車.
那就是假山被拆了. 現在剩下的第二個假山是內湖, 但是那邊的好玩程度好像不及被拆的這個? 下次再去看看...
可能有人發現這假山會被人拿來騎攀岩車, 為了安全起見就把假山拆了.

下回若是去孝權去玉山頂上騎, 他們只好又把玉山拆了.
這是八月一號 那天的照片
我叔叔帶我到他們南部平時練車的地方 這是我第一次來...
當然除了騎車以外 沒有忘記拍照

這是我三叔 正在發動引擎...  (看全文)
假如是在那個 已開發的 Off-Road場地
額外附加一個 攀岩車的主題場地!!
是有可行之道的~...  [看更多]
mototrials 的神手, 和神手級的地形...

Cahors from Photo by Sergio on Vimeo.
Had a really good time up at whislter competing in the crankworks event. ended up with 2nd place in the junior/senior category with 11 points (behind 1st place by one point!)

don't really have any pictures of riding, mostly just random shots of...  (看全文)
wow thats a really nice vid. i like your riding style, its really smooth and relaxed. the movments really flow into eachother.

oh and Frank, don't go crazy now and start practicing all day, remember i need to beat you. so just chill...  [看更多]
Kevin , What's the first song name in your vedio ,
and the singer ..???
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