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>   Topic: [Equip] bike upgrades btt   7 Replies    5427 Views   
  bike upgrades btt
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2008/10/18


bike being assembled


new neon 24h pro front rim on new worldcat hub with drilled flanges

images/forum/HOLY FUCKING SHIT.jpg

new echo TR brake





new worldcat hub


new neon 24h front pro rim


new neon 32h rear pro rim


new worldcat rear hub with drilled flanges


worldcat 108 engagement freewheel

still need to cut the side knobs off the tire. i will weigh the bike tomorrow, but should be under 9kg:)
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  RE: bike upgrades
  Replier: K.C     Reply Time: 2008/10/18
2008/10/18, user K.C has made number 1 times of modification




  RE: bike upgrades
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2008/10/19
i am running a 2.35 kenda single ply tire on the back, so the bike is very light. every component on the bike is pretty much as light as it can get without the bike riding poorly. rode the echo brake bled with anti-freeze and water (it's getting really cold here) today, and it felt amazing.
  RE: bike upgrades
  Replier: 小江     Reply Time: 2008/10/19
Quote Kevin article-
i am running a 2.35 kenda single ply tire on the back, so the bike is very light. every component on the bike is pretty much as light as it can get without the bike riding poorly. rode the echo brake bled with anti-freeze and water (it's getting really cold here) today, and it felt amazing.
we got a 30°C here ^^
  RE: bike upgrades
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2008/10/20
Quote 小江 article-
Quote Kevin article-
i am running a 2.35 kenda single ply tire on the back, so the bike is very light. every component on the bike is pretty much as light as it can get without the bike riding poorly. rode the echo brake bled with anti-freeze and water (it's getting really cold here) today, and it felt amazing.
we got a 30°C here ^^
that's too hot! i don't want to sweat
  RE: bike upgrades
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2008/10/20
Quote Kevin article-
Quote 小江 article-
Quote Kevin article-
i am running a 2.35 kenda single ply tire on the back, so the bike is very light. every component on the bike is pretty much as light as it can get without the bike riding poorly. rode the echo brake bled with anti-freeze and water (it's getting really cold here) today, and it felt amazing.
we got a 30°C here ^^
that's too hot! i don't want to sweat

It's 22-24C at night time, you will sweat anyway.
  RE: bike upgrades
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2008/10/20
it was 4 degrees today.
  RE: bike upgrades
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2008/10/20
Quote Kevin article-
it was 4 degrees today.

4 degrees! It reminds me of the frozen chicken, you better dressed warm when you go out riding, or there will have a canadian frozen chicken made.