>   主題: [消息] 2009攀岩車世界賽   0 回應    2447 觀看   
  張貼者: 老K     張貼時間: 2008/12/11
簡單介紹:HIROSHI HIRANO是日本人,現任國際攀岩車聯盟的主席.




Personal comment from Hiro:

In Ping Tang, I had a talk with a volunteer staff (a girl from university) about WBC. When I said “a lot countries will come to Ping Tang like Czech, UK, France from Europe and Singapore and Taiwan from Asia”. She immediately said “Taiwan is China” to me. That did not make me surprised, and I did not say anything to her. In May in Shanghai, it was 3 months before the Olympic games and the government of Shanghai was nervous about the protest of Tibet and afraid something happen during our world cup event. When I had talking with a woman of one of our staff about Tibet matter. She said “Tibet people are very bad”. Even though 2 things were different matters but I felt something similar. Then I though Taiwan should take part the WBC in China (Kevin you should visit Ping Tang with your team). It will give an opportunity for the people to think about those matters by facing the real. An international sport event of us can be a good chance to the people start thinking about the other countries through the communication in the citizen level. I think that it may be small but a great thing. Through Biketrial, I enjoyed staying Spain, France, Czech, Slovak, Singapore, Canada and USA, all countries where I have been and work with the event staff. And I got good friends there. Thanks to Biketrial!!! In my opinion, people never can be as one by ideology or the faith, but just for the sport we like. We can get together and help each other. I think that is enough and better than nothing is happen or nothing is done. Better cut off the politic thing which makes wall or trench. We must proud of WBC, EBC and APBC that we are communicate internationally through our sport and that is the best thing.

News No. 010 dated 07/12/2008

We got a comment from Kevin about Taiwan matter. Following is our reply to him. We are only a sport organization with independence and we do not belong to any political parties and not against to any politic matters.
Dear Hiro,

We’ll have last event of ’08 at this Sunday. During the moment our riders and parents will meet together also.

Sorry to said, only one round of WBC next year in China.

As usual, we’ll use Taiwan be our nation name but I guess it’s should be problem for China organizer or government. Ensure our riders and Biketrial Taiwan Union rights in BIU is my responsibility wish your understanding of this situation of Taiwan. Probably it’s not good timing to discuss but when you confirm everything of Ping-Tang WBC please don’t forget this matter.

Sincerely yours,
Dear Kevin,

It is very clear that we will adjust the politic situation in the host country. That is very important for the organizer because they will have the support from the government and they should follow the policy of the government. Without this, we cannot make anything. Do you understand? In the case if you host international event in your country, we will follow the policy of your government. Of course.

Sincerely yours,
Dear Hiro,

It’s really good answer. I forget China is not true freedom country. I am lucky not living there. Face to truth, what name will China can accept? China Taiwan, Chinese Taipei or Taiwan only? First one is 100% not truth situation as you know Taiwan aren’t belong China and we can’t accept it. Second one, we can accept it alike Olympic style. Third one – Taiwan, although it’s true one because we are Taiwan Biketrial Union in BIU but China can’t accept it. My suggestion, we using our BTU flag and name to participate “09 WBC. Or can you check to host guy in China what name we can use? Chinese Taipei or Biketrial Taiwan Union??

Dear Kevin,

As a country, Chinese Taipei is the best in this moment. Because both countries accept this name. As BIU, there will be no problem that you can bring the flag of BIketrial Taiwan Union. Because it is a federation in each area. I am thinking to introduce Taiwan (BTU) as Chinese Taipei in the presentation, not together with China. I think there will be no problem. Do you agree it? As I know about the history, Taiwan is never under China (my personal opinion), It is pity but as long as both countries having the problem, we have to respect both countries until the problem is solved.

Sincerely yours,
We tell you that at the presentation of 2007 WBC in Itadori, they put both China and Taiwan Flags and both national anthems. Because the Gifu government did not mind it. But it depends up on the host countries that organize the WBC. We will follow the policy of the countries. If not, there will be no international competitions. And besides, we think that sport event is not right place to protest any politic matters.