>   主題: [影片] riding in -10 degrees   4 回應    4802 觀看   
  riding in -10 degrees
  張貼者: Kevin     張貼時間: 2008/12/26
文章於 2008/12/26 由 frankyueh 做過第 1 次的修改
the city i live in got hit with a big snow storm for the last 2 weeks. today was the first tiem i've touched my bike for more than a month. it was -10 and we went riding 4 in the morning.

youtube video
  RE: riding in -10 degrees
  回應者: Kevin     回應時間: 2008/12/26
and the guy on the neon 20" is not me.
  RE: riding in -10 degrees
  回應者: FrankYueh     回應時間: 2008/12/27
oh!! seems so cold!!

u guys can only ride in indoor, thats a really boring place I thought...

No wonder u said that u sit and getting fatter~~ |||>"<||| come here, here is so warm!!!!
  RE: riding in -10 degrees
  回應者: Kevin     回應時間: 2008/12/27
in alberta it was colder than -40 =|

i don't have time to ride bikes these days:( and it is very cold. i just want to sit at home
  RE: riding in -10 degrees
  回應者: 尿尿小P     回應時間: 2008/12/27
-40度...??? 是在西伯利亞嗎..???