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>   Topic: 美圖欣賞(新來的小姐請多捧場) btt   2 Replies    2336 Views   
  美圖欣賞(新來的小姐請多捧場) btt
  Author: 老K     Post Time: 2008/12/27
[img]images/forum/DSCN7379.JPG[/img] 輕快的前進(BREEZE),後110mm,鎖牙1.37*24T [img]images/forum/DSCN7384.JPG[/img] 7075T6軸心 [img]images/forum/DSCN7391.JPG[/img] 如羽毛(FEATHER)般輕盈,不含螺絲只有6X克 [img]images/forum/DSCN7393.JPG[/img] 7075T6軸心,32孔,紅黑金三色 [img]images/forum/DSCN7398.JPG[/img] 世界貓特寫 [img]images/forum/DSCN7404.JPG[/img] 如蓮花(LOUTUS)般璀璨的花鼓耳,CNC的精雕作品 [img]images/forum/DSCN7406.JPG[/img] 紅黑金蓮花三色 [img]images/forum/DSCN7412.JPG[/img] 不組車輪時當擺飾也很美的""蓮""花鼓 [img]images/forum/DSCN7415.JPG[/img] 世界貓凌先設計的碟煞座,順應碟盤弧線,更強更耐用
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  RE: 美圖欣賞(新來的小姐請多捧場)
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2008/12/27
how much for each!? looks expensive!!
  RE: 美圖欣賞(新來的小姐請多捧場)
  Replier: 哲哲     Reply Time: 2008/12/27
2008/12/27, user uuccq has made number 1 times of modification
Quote FrankYueh article-
how much for each!? looks expensive!!


how much is the LOUTUS?

對了 蓮花是Lotus 還是 LOUTUS 還是別國的文字?