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  Usage Statistics for September 2007 btt btt
  張貼者: FrankYueh     張貼時間: 2007/10/01

Usage Statistics for biketrial.tw

Summary Period: September 2007
Generated 01-Oct-2007 01:12 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2007
Total Hits 136820
Total Files 89104
Total Pages 5083
Total Visits 3148
Total KBytes 4067868
Total Unique Sites 2213
Total Unique URLs 1223
Total Unique Referrers 76
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 139
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 190 1189
Hits per Day 4560 7912
Files per Day 2970 5090
Pages per Day 169 256
Visits per Day 104 130
KBytes per Day 135596 376011
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 89104
Code 206 - Partial Content 211
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 12
Code 302 - Found 537
Code 304 - Not Modified 42733
Code 401 - Unauthorized 1
Code 403 - Forbidden 36
Code 404 - Not Found 4139
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 47

Daily usage for September 2007

Daily Statistics for September 2007
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 3020 2.21% 1818 2.04% 156 3.07% 101 3.21% 85 3.84% 52065 1.28%
2 6538 4.78% 4235 4.75% 189 3.72% 124 3.94% 136 6.15% 140772 3.46%
3 5752 4.20% 3436 3.86% 225 4.43% 130 4.13% 104 4.70% 121401 2.98%
4 3931 2.87% 2389 2.68% 167 3.29% 104 3.30% 97 4.38% 69851 1.72%
5 6460 4.72% 4109 4.61% 221 4.35% 129 4.10% 138 6.24% 137827 3.39%
6 4054 2.96% 2737 3.07% 168 3.31% 112 3.56% 111 5.02% 88503 2.18%
7 7112 5.20% 4079 4.58% 256 5.04% 126 4.00% 95 4.29% 246566 6.06%
8 4849 3.54% 2924 3.28% 155 3.05% 104 3.30% 82 3.71% 131052 3.22%
9 7226 5.28% 4581 5.14% 218 4.29% 129 4.10% 157 7.09% 200954 4.94%
10 7912 5.78% 5090 5.71% 183 3.60% 126 4.00% 126 5.69% 309221 7.60%
11 4598 3.36% 2987 3.35% 176 3.46% 105 3.34% 92 4.16% 124443 3.06%
12 3421 2.50% 2380 2.67% 166 3.27% 98 3.11% 126 5.69% 75420 1.85%
13 2946 2.15% 2073 2.33% 125 2.46% 86 2.73% 122 5.51% 79356 1.95%
14 2589 1.89% 1880 2.11% 121 2.38% 86 2.73% 89 4.02% 57491 1.41%
15 3651 2.67% 2479 2.78% 117 2.30% 87 2.76% 128 5.78% 119513 2.94%
16 3444 2.52% 2131 2.39% 138 2.71% 97 3.08% 134 6.06% 92354 2.27%
17 5498 4.02% 3928 4.41% 195 3.84% 126 4.00% 121 5.47% 151144 3.72%
18 4460 3.26% 2787 3.13% 145 2.85% 102 3.24% 119 5.38% 104740 2.57%
19 3918 2.86% 2661 2.99% 187 3.68% 100 3.18% 143 6.46% 98460 2.42%
20 2925 2.14% 1968 2.21% 153 3.01% 86 2.73% 107 4.84% 146220 3.59%
21 4411 3.22% 2960 3.32% 209 4.11% 120 3.81% 117 5.29% 110169 2.71%
22 5416 3.96% 3616 4.06% 167 3.29% 102 3.24% 92 4.16% 123652 3.04%
23 4593 3.36% 3115 3.50% 148 2.91% 82 2.60% 86 3.89% 376011 9.24%
24 3907 2.86% 2531 2.84% 123 2.42% 90 2.86% 128 5.78% 172315 4.24%
25 3852 2.82% 2256 2.53% 150 2.95% 94 2.99% 217 9.81% 107093 2.63%
26 4649 3.40% 2950 3.31% 152 2.99% 100 3.18% 135 6.10% 130374 3.20%
27 5924 4.33% 4172 4.68% 217 4.27% 120 3.81% 131 5.92% 164198 4.04%
28 2610 1.91% 1828 2.05% 167 3.29% 106 3.37% 119 5.38% 63012 1.55%
29 3661 2.68% 2539 2.85% 133 2.62% 88 2.80% 101 4.56% 109522 2.69%
30 3493 2.55% 2465 2.77% 156 3.07% 104 3.30% 133 6.01% 164170 4.04%

Hourly usage for September 2007

Hourly Statistics for September 2007
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 314 9426 6.89% 197 5922 6.65% 11 334 6.57% 11889 356665 8.77%
1 157 4716 3.45% 94 2849 3.20% 6 203 3.99% 4130 123893 3.05%
2 120 3621 2.65% 83 2518 2.83% 5 152 2.99% 3329 99859 2.45%
3 76 2283 1.67% 54 1647 1.85% 3 94 1.85% 2162 64870 1.59%
4 73 2197 1.61% 55 1658 1.86% 2 60 1.18% 2460 73811 1.81%
5 29 892 0.65% 19 596 0.67% 1 33 0.65% 457 13706 0.34%
6 67 2028 1.48% 47 1411 1.58% 2 78 1.53% 2093 62779 1.54%
7 66 1980 1.45% 40 1212 1.36% 1 58 1.14% 1628 48832 1.20%
8 78 2352 1.72% 53 1617 1.81% 2 80 1.57% 3172 95145 2.34%
9 140 4209 3.08% 95 2865 3.22% 5 173 3.40% 5166 154988 3.81%
10 195 5878 4.30% 120 3612 4.05% 6 205 4.03% 5200 155990 3.83%
11 206 6207 4.54% 124 3741 4.20% 6 208 4.09% 7804 234120 5.76%
12 183 5513 4.03% 122 3668 4.12% 7 238 4.68% 4844 145325 3.57%
13 197 5931 4.33% 124 3742 4.20% 8 255 5.02% 4691 140727 3.46%
14 178 5358 3.92% 120 3601 4.04% 7 212 4.17% 4249 127464 3.13%
15 224 6731 4.92% 161 4839 5.43% 8 244 4.80% 8525 255746 6.29%
16 215 6465 4.73% 150 4507 5.06% 7 224 4.41% 9434 283012 6.96%
17 246 7392 5.40% 165 4966 5.57% 10 305 6.00% 6140 184186 4.53%
18 287 8633 6.31% 176 5287 5.93% 9 299 5.88% 5901 177024 4.35%
19 261 7843 5.73% 149 4498 5.05% 10 303 5.96% 5063 151891 3.73%
20 271 8154 5.96% 175 5257 5.90% 10 300 5.90% 10649 319483 7.85%
21 323 9695 7.09% 215 6459 7.25% 11 342 6.73% 9234 277031 6.81%
22 324 9734 7.11% 207 6223 6.98% 11 333 6.55% 8337 250105 6.15%
23 319 9582 7.00% 213 6409 7.19% 11 350 6.89% 9041 271216 6.67%

Top 30 of 1223 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 21337 15.59% 846186 20.80% /forum.php
2 4939 3.61% 274 0.01% /templates/images/forum_list_image.gif
3 4894 3.58% 170137 4.18% /
4 3114 2.28% 8678 0.21% /images/video/9285i4936ethumb.jpg
5 3101 2.27% 7685 0.19% /images/video/9285Zcaa31thumb.jpg
6 3057 2.23% 360 0.01% /templates/images/document_share.gif
7 2928 2.14% 6024 0.15% /images/fileedit/btca_logo.jpg
8 2925 2.14% 13731 0.34% /images/fileedit/bigface.jpg
9 2907 2.12% 7754 0.19% /images/thumbs/default.gif
10 2807 2.05% 49075 1.21% /document.php
11 2704 1.98% 3846 0.09% /images/thumbs/thumb_frankyueh.jpg
12 2576 1.88% 6191 0.15% /images/video/9285C4668dthumb.jpg
13 2343 1.71% 3849 0.09% /images/thumbs/thumb_gary_python.jpg
14 2229 1.63% 134 0.00% /templates/images/forum_list_lock.gif
15 2137 1.56% 47272 1.16% /video.php
16 2006 1.47% 3041 0.07% /images/thumbs/thumb_arrowsun.jpg
17 1863 1.36% 103 0.00% /templates/images/forum_list_new.gif
18 1859 1.36% 102 0.00% /templates/images/forum_list_new2.gif
19 1722 1.26% 3603 0.09% /images/fileedit/07WBC2nd004.jpg
20 1380 1.01% 3272 0.08% /images/thumbs/thumb_snake.jpg
21 1273 0.93% 2209 0.05% /images/thumbs/thumb_uuccq.jpg
22 1236 0.90% 4322 0.11% /images/video/9285G80564thumb.jpg
23 1189 0.87% 8203 0.20% /login.php
24 1151 0.84% 2283 0.06% /images/video/9285k148aethumb.jpg
25 882 0.64% 48 0.00% /templates/images/forum_list_file.gif
26 870 0.64% 2239 0.06% /images/video/9285f6f611thumb.jpg
27 755 0.55% 1397 0.03% /images/thumbs/thumb_andy95100.jpg
28 722 0.53% 1484 0.04% /images/fileedit/bttlogo11.gif
29 574 0.42% 1215 0.03% /images/thumbs/thumb_JulesFrog.jpg
30 451 0.33% 691478 17.00% /download/download1.php

Top 10 of 1223 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 21337 15.59% 846186 20.80% /forum.php
2 451 0.33% 691478 17.00% /download/download1.php
3 4894 3.58% 170137 4.18% /
4 2807 2.05% 49075 1.21% /document.php
5 2137 1.56% 47272 1.16% /video.php
6 11 0.01% 46896 1.15% /download/download2.php
7 197 0.14% 19616 0.48% /images/forum/forum-845262.png
8 112 0.08% 16607 0.41% /images/forum/07WBC2nd073.jpg
9 120 0.09% 16087 0.40% /images/forum/07WBC2nd064.jpg
10 118 0.09% 16021 0.39% /images/forum/07WBC2nd068.jpg

Top 2 of 2 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4894 3.58% 3104 99.81% /
2 9 0.01% 6 0.19% /google33b8cb6acd66f3dd.html

Top 2 of 2 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4894 3.58% 3073 99.87% /
2 9 0.01% 4 0.13% /google33b8cb6acd66f3dd.html

Top 30 of 2213 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 5081 3.71% 1632 1.83% 74772 1.84% 137 4.35% 61-230-64-223.dynamic.hinet.net
2 3254 2.38% 1177 1.32% 89058 2.19% 33 1.05%
3 2558 1.87% 1681 1.89% 68102 1.67% 66 2.10% pc25.adsl76.tku.edu.tw
4 2556 1.87% 1217 1.37% 57804 1.42% 38 1.21% 61-62-110-50-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
5 2479 1.81% 1068 1.20% 35936 0.88% 75 2.38% 220-133-18-8.hinet-ip.hinet.net
6 2200 1.61% 2117 2.38% 77896 1.91% 118 3.75%
7 2028 1.48% 922 1.03% 39992 0.98% 22 0.70% proxy.ntut.edu.tw
8 1860 1.36% 1601 1.80% 56374 1.39% 33 1.05% crawl-66-249-70-199.googlebot.com
9 1639 1.20% 991 1.11% 92592 2.28% 28 0.89%
10 1408 1.03% 1016 1.14% 102928 2.53% 24 0.76% 125-225-101-175.dynamic.hinet.net
11 1298 0.95% 489 0.55% 25614 0.63% 28 0.89% adsl-61-56-227-176.nh.sparqnet.net
12 1055 0.77% 486 0.55% 54209 1.33% 27 0.86% 218-166-131-201.dynamic.hinet.net
13 983 0.72% 977 1.10% 0 0.00% 6 0.19%
14 952 0.70% 712 0.80% 31880 0.78% 44 1.40%
15 876 0.64% 517 0.58% 17721 0.44% 12 0.38% 218-175-146-222.dynamic.hinet.net
16 864 0.63% 619 0.69% 23968 0.59% 20 0.64% 125-225-104-56.dynamic.hinet.net
17 847 0.62% 585 0.66% 28340 0.70% 13 0.41% 125-225-98-217.dynamic.hinet.net
18 760 0.56% 689 0.77% 21546 0.53% 10 0.32% 125-225-126-191.dynamic.hinet.net
19 703 0.51% 482 0.54% 18167 0.45% 12 0.38% 125-225-118-110.dynamic.hinet.net
20 693 0.51% 360 0.40% 13697 0.34% 20 0.64% 125-225-106-32.dynamic.hinet.net
21 692 0.51% 681 0.76% 13806 0.34% 7 0.22% 219-84-124-50-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
22 679 0.50% 460 0.52% 24039 0.59% 16 0.51%
23 663 0.48% 445 0.50% 18586 0.46% 21 0.67% 61-62-234-206-adsl-tpe.static.so-net.net.tw
24 660 0.48% 547 0.61% 15836 0.39% 6 0.19%
25 637 0.47% 218 0.24% 10960 0.27% 35 1.11% 219-70-220-77.nvwtv.com.tw
26 632 0.46% 598 0.67% 11232 0.28% 4 0.13% 219-84-179-214-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
27 594 0.43% 583 0.65% 18692 0.46% 8 0.25% 219-84-60-144-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
28 568 0.42% 158 0.18% 5226 0.13% 17 0.54% 218-166-133-13.dynamic.hinet.net
29 545 0.40% 479 0.54% 17172 0.42% 9 0.29%
30 542 0.40% 518 0.58% 8929 0.22% 7 0.22% 219-84-9-147-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw

Top 10 of 2213 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1408 1.03% 1016 1.14% 102928 2.53% 24 0.76% 125-225-101-175.dynamic.hinet.net
2 1639 1.20% 991 1.11% 92592 2.28% 28 0.89%
3 3254 2.38% 1177 1.32% 89058 2.19% 33 1.05%
4 105 0.08% 81 0.09% 78403 1.93% 4 0.13% 125-226-164-187.dynamic.hinet.net
5 2200 1.61% 2117 2.38% 77896 1.91% 118 3.75%
6 104 0.08% 57 0.06% 77442 1.90% 0 0.00% 61-223-115-222.dynamic.hinet.net
7 5081 3.71% 1632 1.83% 74772 1.84% 137 4.35% 61-230-64-223.dynamic.hinet.net
8 2558 1.87% 1681 1.89% 68102 1.67% 66 2.10% pc25.adsl76.tku.edu.tw
9 2556 1.87% 1217 1.37% 57804 1.42% 38 1.21% 61-62-110-50-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
10 421 0.31% 377 0.42% 57434 1.41% 0 0.00% livebot-65-55-213-58.search.live.com

Top 76 of 76 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 57402 41.95% http://biketrial.tw/forum.php
2 21092 15.42% http://biketrial.tw/
3 17256 12.61% - (Direct Request)
4 11429 8.35% http://www.biketrial.tw/forum.php
5 8018 5.86% http://biketrial.tw/document.php
6 5630 4.11% http://biketrial.tw/index.php
7 4726 3.45% http://biketrial.tw/video.php
8 3835 2.80% http://www.biketrial.tw/
9 2224 1.63% http://www.biketrial.tw/index.php
10 915 0.67% http://www.biketrial.tw/video.php
11 870 0.64% http://www.biketrial.tw/document.php
12 397 0.29% http://biketrial.tw/admin/fileedit_management.php
13 385 0.28% http://tw.search.yahoo.com/search
14 340 0.25% http://biketrial.tw/registry.php
15 299 0.22% http://biketrial.tw/download/download.php
16 260 0.19% http://image.yodao.com/
17 223 0.16% http://biketrial.tw/login.php
18 203 0.15% http://biketrial.tw/bulletin.php
19 191 0.14% http://biketrial.tw/admin/management.php
20 153 0.11% http://biketrial.tw/
21 113 0.08% http://biketrial.tw/application.php
22 105 0.08% http://biketrial.tw/admin/FYDBadmin.php
23 103 0.08% http://www.bikemen.net/phpbb2/viewtopic.php
24 70 0.05% http://www.biketrial.tw/
25 59 0.04%
26 52 0.04% http://zoopython.blog.163.com/blog/static/37469770200781765730638/edit/
27 44 0.03% http://www.biketrialclub.com/forum/
28 39 0.03% http://www.biketrialclub.com/forum/viewthread.php
29 38 0.03% http://www.google.com.tw/search
30 34 0.02% http://www.biketrialclub.com/forum/index.php
31 29 0.02% http://tw.msg.club.yahoo.com/msg/msga
32 29 0.02% http://www.biketrial.tw/login.php
33 28 0.02% http://www.biketrial.tw/application.php
34 25 0.02% http://www.biketrial.tw/registry.php
35 21 0.02% http://ms1.csd.ykvs.tpc.edu.tw/~frank/links.htm
36 15 0.01% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bike_trials_riding
37 14 0.01% http://cache.baidu.com/c
38 14 0.01% http://www.biketrial.tw/download/download.php
39 14 0.01% http://www.google.com/search
40 13 0.01% http://zoopython.blog.163.com/blankEditor.html
41 10 0.01% http://www.baidu.com/s
42 10 0.01% http://zoopython.blog.163.com/blog/
43 7 0.01% http://www.run2w.com/forum/viewtopic.php
44 6 0.00% http://translate.google.com/translate_c
45 6 0.00% http://www.google.com.hk/search
46 6 0.00% http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cindyyueh
47 6 0.00% http://yueh.biketrial.tw/
48 5 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/images/forum/
49 5 0.00% http://www.google.cn/search
50 5 0.00% http://zoopython.blog.163.com/blog/static/37469770200781765730638/
51 4 0.00% http://bigapple.idv.tw/phpBB2/read.php
52 4 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/test_class_file.php
53 4 0.00% http://www.cyclist.org.tw/comment_main.asp
54 3 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/download
55 3 0.00% http://hk.search.yahoo.com/search
56 2 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/test_class_reg.php
57 2 0.00% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bike_trials
58 2 0.00% http://search.cn.yahoo.com/search
59 2 0.00% http://search.yahoo.com/search
60 2 0.00% http://search.yahoo.com/search/msie
61 2 0.00% http://translate.google.com/translate
62 2 0.00% http://www.biketrial.tw/bulletin.php
63 2 0.00% http://www.youtube.com/watch
64 1 0.00%
65 1 0.00% http://bikemen.net/phpbb2/viewtopic.php
66 1 0.00%
67 1 0.00% http://cyclist.org.tw/comment_main.asp
68 1 0.00% http://it.youtube.com/watch
69 1 0.00% http://www.baidu.com/baidu
70 1 0.00% http://www.biketrial.tw/download
71 1 0.00% http://www.google.com/
72 1 0.00% http://www.google.es/search
73 1 0.00% http://www.netcraft.com/survey/
74 1 0.00% http://www.soso.com/q
75 1 0.00% http://www.youtube.com/jp.swf
76 1 0.00% http://yueh.biketrial.tw/index.php

Top 20 of 22 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 86 50.89% ?€撗抵?
2 22 13.02% 0
3 20 11.83% biketrial
4 11 6.51% biketrial at tw
5 6 3.55% biketrial.tw
6 4 2.37% ?€撗抵?嚗?/FONT>
7 2 1.18% biketrial tw
8 2 1.18% trialbike
9 2 1.18% ?€撗抵? @ tw
10 2 1.18% ?唾?頠?臬蔣??/FONT>
11 1 0.59% info:biketrial.tw
12 1 0.59% tank?梢?
13 1 0.59% trial bike
14 1 0.59% ?啁 ?€撗抵?
15 1 0.59% ?啁?€撗抵?
16 1 0.59% ?啁?€撗抵??舐?
17 1 0.59% 敺菜?銵冽?
18 1 0.59% ?€撗抵? ?啁
19 1 0.59% ?€撗抵??啁
20 1 0.59% 瘛⊥偌 ?寞?

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 39 0.00% 1 0.03% rvphpinfo

Top 15 of 139 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 31900 23.32% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
2 30672 22.42% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
3 7644 5.59% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
4 6554 4.79% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: G
5 6421 4.69% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa
6 6217 4.54% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
7 5357 3.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-TW; rv: G
8 3696 2.70% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; KKman
9 3393 2.48% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoP
10 3228 2.36% Baiduspider+(+http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm)
11 2920 2.13% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; ezPee
12 2298 1.68% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NE
13 2256 1.65% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Avant
14 1851 1.35% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.co
15 1816 1.33% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)

Usage by Country for September 2007

Top 21 of 21 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 76281 55.75% 45674 51.26% 2466239 60.63% Network
2 35015 25.59% 25396 28.50% 745213 18.32% Taiwan
3 19500 14.25% 13269 14.89% 610629 15.01% Unresolved/Unknown
4 4506 3.29% 3714 4.17% 188404 4.63% US Commercial
5 535 0.39% 482 0.54% 21484 0.53% China
6 389 0.28% 386 0.43% 19544 0.48% Hong Kong
7 261 0.19% 131 0.15% 10933 0.27% Australia
8 115 0.08% 114 0.13% 2566 0.06% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
9 110 0.08% 52 0.06% 1721 0.04% Japan
10 26 0.02% 25 0.03% 386 0.01% Non-Profit Organization
11 15 0.01% 14 0.02% 161 0.00% Hungary
12 14 0.01% 13 0.01% 135 0.00% Singapore
13 13 0.01% 12 0.01% 115 0.00% Canada
14 11 0.01% 10 0.01% 86 0.00% Romania
15 9 0.01% 9 0.01% 79 0.00% United Kingdom
16 7 0.01% 6 0.01% 56 0.00% Italy
17 7 0.01% 2 0.00% 21 0.00% Poland
18 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 13 0.00% Brazil
19 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 31 0.00% South Africa
20 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 36 0.00% Cocos (Keeling) Islands
21 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 15 0.00% Germany

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01
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