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>   Topic: [Video] (video)richmondtrials-body Of Years   1 Replies    2134 Views   
  (video)richmondtrials-body Of Years
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2009/03/12
Music :
Mother Mother - Body of Years
The Killers - Forget About What I Said

Video from riding this winter. Everyone is out of shape, and unmotivated from the cold.
  RE: (video)richmondtrials-body Of Years
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2009/03/12
2009/03/13, user frankyueh has made number 1 times of modification
[url=http://biketrial.tw/video.php]AVAILABLE AT VIDEO ZONE!!![/url] looks good!! I'm so want to ride. I just have a long time no ride.