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>   Topic: [Video] new trial bike rim (dis breaks)   5 Replies    4861 Views   
  new trial bike rim (dis breaks)
  Author: Gordon (國棟)     Post Time: 2009/03/22
does anyone know of this kind of rim? it has dis breaks almost as big as the rim. take a look

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkgTrYKpqZ8&feature=channel_page  Like(1)+ expand- fold
  RE: new trial bike rim (dis breaks)
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2009/03/22
The stopping power should be strong enough because of the very big diameter of the disc, the problem will be the weight and the disc should be well protected from deformation.
  RE: new trial bike rim (dis breaks)
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2009/03/22
more weight on the more diameter of the disk.

you should consider to change the V-brake for your front brake, its really powerful and cheaper then the disk break!!!
  RE: new trial bike rim (dis breaks)
  Replier: Gordon (國棟)     Reply Time: 2009/03/22
yea i know that it should be more powerful breaking bacause of the bigger diameter. wow you guys english are very good. i wonder what brand it may be, or if its just someone trying some on thier own.

hey question. how to get the vimeo clips on BTT?
  RE: new trial bike rim (dis breaks)
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2009/03/22
It's most likely a genius' prototype since every bike maker knows it is not a practical design.
  RE: new trial bike rim (dis breaks)
  Replier: 阿華     Reply Time: 2009/03/23
cool~~~i like it!! XDDDD

but its adapter is soooo big

i think it isn't strong enough =口=