>   主題: [硬體] low rider   3 回應    4098 觀看   
  low rider
  張貼者: Gordon (國棟)     張貼時間: 2009/04/30
this is very interesting. i like how the back fork angle is very small and the seat stay is very low to the frame. it looks like a cross between a monty 231 and a CZAR 20"

  RE: low rider
  回應者: 橘祖     回應時間: 2009/04/30
引用 Gordon (國棟) 的文章-
this is very interesting. i like how the back fork angle is very small and the seat stay is very low to the frame. it looks like a cross between a monty 231 and a CZAR 20"


這車看起來外型蠻讚的!! 但車架幾何就不確定了~~~~~

另外有一個非常大的問題!! 就是實在是太貴了Q___Q
  RE: low rider
  回應者: 攀岩以斯拉     回應時間: 2009/05/01
Frame looks good and the price is wooooooow when compared to a Neon bow 26.
  RE: low rider
  回應者: 尿尿小P     回應時間: 2009/05/02
引用 攀岩以斯拉 的文章-
Frame looks good and the price is wooooooow when compared to a Neon bow 26.

不過補強好像比較仔細一點 ....