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  btt Monthly Statistics for October 2007 btt
  張貼者: FrankYueh     張貼時間: 2007/11/02

Usage Statistics for biketrial.tw

Summary Period: October 2007
Generated 01-Nov-2007 23:47 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2007
Total Hits 122191
Total Files 85338
Total Pages 5834
Total Visits 3226
Total KBytes 3004872
Total Unique Sites 2363
Total Unique URLs 1248
Total Unique Referrers 78
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 166
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 164 956
Hits per Day 3941 6515
Files per Day 2752 5622
Pages per Day 188 353
Visits per Day 104 132
KBytes per Day 96931 367922
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 85338
Code 206 - Partial Content 197
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 12
Code 302 - Found 424
Code 304 - Not Modified 31321
Code 401 - Unauthorized 8
Code 403 - Forbidden 69
Code 404 - Not Found 4822

Daily usage for October 2007

Daily Statistics for October 2007
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 4655 3.81% 3736 4.38% 162 2.78% 78 2.42% 115 4.87% 170372 5.67%
2 6350 5.20% 4288 5.02% 269 4.61% 108 3.35% 103 4.36% 180277 6.00%
3 3534 2.89% 2242 2.63% 147 2.52% 106 3.29% 83 3.51% 67294 2.24%
4 4370 3.58% 3117 3.65% 191 3.27% 113 3.50% 110 4.66% 82338 2.74%
5 3476 2.84% 2213 2.59% 187 3.21% 113 3.50% 104 4.40% 73730 2.45%
6 3038 2.49% 1861 2.18% 128 2.19% 95 2.94% 85 3.60% 77773 2.59%
7 2660 2.18% 1677 1.97% 192 3.29% 89 2.76% 80 3.39% 55227 1.84%
8 4017 3.29% 2890 3.39% 189 3.24% 101 3.13% 98 4.15% 107154 3.57%
9 2486 2.03% 1581 1.85% 131 2.25% 85 2.63% 87 3.68% 46798 1.56%
10 2991 2.45% 2067 2.42% 145 2.49% 100 3.10% 102 4.32% 56692 1.89%
11 3140 2.57% 2230 2.61% 140 2.40% 89 2.76% 81 3.43% 53367 1.78%
12 4189 3.43% 2904 3.40% 184 3.15% 112 3.47% 114 4.82% 86315 2.87%
13 2788 2.28% 1846 2.16% 216 3.70% 89 2.76% 89 3.77% 105131 3.50%
14 5331 4.36% 3613 4.23% 234 4.01% 130 4.03% 113 4.78% 102436 3.41%
15 3709 3.04% 2512 2.94% 213 3.65% 132 4.09% 121 5.12% 92236 3.07%
16 4220 3.45% 2921 3.42% 236 4.05% 110 3.41% 131 5.54% 74436 2.48%
17 3250 2.66% 2133 2.50% 223 3.82% 115 3.56% 107 4.53% 53371 1.78%
18 2964 2.43% 1960 2.30% 188 3.22% 109 3.38% 107 4.53% 49801 1.66%
19 4300 3.52% 2462 2.88% 191 3.27% 110 3.41% 133 5.63% 60646 2.02%
20 5494 4.50% 4405 5.16% 204 3.50% 96 2.98% 124 5.25% 188646 6.28%
21 4618 3.78% 3025 3.54% 166 2.85% 107 3.32% 240 10.16% 84417 2.81%
22 3752 3.07% 2596 3.04% 158 2.71% 112 3.47% 222 9.39% 72570 2.42%
23 3445 2.82% 2498 2.93% 198 3.39% 117 3.63% 228 9.65% 55808 1.86%
24 2919 2.39% 1977 2.32% 188 3.22% 106 3.29% 271 11.47% 113372 3.77%
25 3651 2.99% 2656 3.11% 188 3.22% 112 3.47% 219 9.27% 81916 2.73%
26 3426 2.80% 2449 2.87% 137 2.35% 90 2.79% 225 9.52% 72590 2.42%
27 3551 2.91% 2403 2.82% 161 2.76% 91 2.82% 211 8.93% 56684 1.89%
28 4184 3.42% 2722 3.19% 206 3.53% 116 3.60% 276 11.68% 75182 2.50%
29 5359 4.39% 3998 4.68% 159 2.73% 103 3.19% 195 8.25% 367922 12.24%
30 3809 3.12% 2734 3.20% 150 2.57% 105 3.25% 229 9.69% 124799 4.15%
31 6515 5.33% 5622 6.59% 353 6.05% 101 3.13% 265 11.21% 115574 3.85%

Hourly usage for October 2007

Hourly Statistics for October 2007
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 222 6892 5.64% 157 4880 5.72% 9 292 5.01% 5498 170451 5.67%
1 132 4117 3.37% 91 2828 3.31% 5 164 2.81% 5430 168329 5.60%
2 89 2771 2.27% 57 1775 2.08% 5 184 3.15% 2756 85431 2.84%
3 91 2828 2.31% 73 2273 2.66% 3 99 1.70% 3015 93463 3.11%
4 50 1574 1.29% 40 1251 1.47% 2 76 1.30% 983 30474 1.01%
5 52 1623 1.33% 41 1290 1.51% 3 93 1.59% 1334 41343 1.38%
6 40 1269 1.04% 34 1067 1.25% 1 44 0.75% 1103 34185 1.14%
7 36 1140 0.93% 29 900 1.05% 1 41 0.70% 523 16208 0.54%
8 77 2415 1.98% 56 1755 2.06% 3 121 2.07% 3607 111815 3.72%
9 92 2872 2.35% 65 2042 2.39% 5 177 3.03% 1971 61108 2.03%
10 99 3093 2.53% 68 2127 2.49% 4 146 2.50% 2554 79163 2.63%
11 144 4480 3.67% 103 3222 3.78% 7 236 4.05% 3647 113052 3.76%
12 221 6868 5.62% 158 4923 5.77% 11 348 5.97% 8065 250028 8.32%
13 141 4401 3.60% 100 3111 3.65% 8 262 4.49% 4700 145714 4.85%
14 133 4151 3.40% 99 3099 3.63% 8 273 4.68% 3083 95587 3.18%
15 158 4927 4.03% 126 3916 4.59% 9 284 4.87% 3286 101876 3.39%
16 184 5709 4.67% 134 4181 4.90% 9 301 5.16% 2893 89672 2.98%
17 249 7748 6.34% 175 5441 6.38% 9 302 5.18% 5656 175334 5.84%
18 256 7946 6.50% 166 5163 6.05% 11 359 6.15% 5455 169101 5.63%
19 258 7998 6.55% 164 5091 5.97% 12 373 6.39% 5908 183135 6.09%
20 300 9325 7.63% 204 6348 7.44% 12 399 6.84% 6847 212242 7.06%
21 364 11285 9.24% 242 7517 8.81% 15 474 8.12% 8482 262944 8.75%
22 279 8659 7.09% 188 5847 6.85% 13 429 7.35% 5418 167964 5.59%
23 261 8100 6.63% 170 5291 6.20% 11 357 6.12% 4718 146253 4.87%

Top 30 of 1248 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 20585 16.85% 677516 22.55% /forum.php
2 5801 4.75% 7207 0.24% /templates/images/bttlogo12_word.gif
3 5546 4.54% 202381 6.74% /
4 3878 3.17% 207 0.01% /templates/images/forum_list_new.gif
5 3770 3.09% 252 0.01% /templates/images/forum_list_image.gif
6 3520 2.88% 53591 1.78% /document.php
7 3216 2.63% 177 0.01% /templates/images/forum_list_new2.gif
8 2916 2.39% 4372 0.15% /images/fileedit/bikemen_logo.gif
9 2743 2.24% 7904 0.26% /images/video/9285f6f611thumb.jpg
10 2712 2.22% 367 0.01% /templates/images/document_share.gif
11 2703 2.21% 6330 0.21% /images/fileedit/btca_logo.jpg
12 2612 2.14% 8276 0.28% /images/video/9285i4936ethumb.jpg
13 2540 2.08% 6975 0.23% /images/video/9285Zcaa31thumb.jpg
14 2476 2.03% 7251 0.24% /images/thumbs/default.gif
15 2467 2.02% 3909 0.13% /images/thumbs/thumb_frankyueh.jpg
16 2193 1.79% 6570 0.22% /images/fileedit/bttlogo13.gif
17 2166 1.77% 11686 0.39% /images/fileedit/bigface.jpg
18 2123 1.74% 44151 1.47% /video.php
19 2097 1.72% 3290 0.11% /images/thumbs/thumb_arrowsun.jpg
20 1739 1.42% 135 0.00% /templates/images/forum_list_lock.gif
21 1639 1.34% 380164 12.65% /download/download1.php
22 1550 1.27% 10823 0.36% /login.php
23 1168 0.96% 93 0.00% /templates/images/forum_list_file.gif
24 1159 0.95% 2812 0.09% /images/thumbs/thumb_snake.jpg
25 1081 0.88% 1997 0.07% /images/thumbs/thumb_andy95100.jpg
26 985 0.81% 2097 0.07% /images/thumbs/thumb_gary_python.jpg
27 761 0.62% 1098 0.04% /images/fileedit/bttlogo12.gif
28 739 0.60% 2092 0.07% /images/fileedit/bttlogo1172021c.gif
29 631 0.52% 1300 0.04% /images/thumbs/thumb_uuccq.jpg
30 596 0.49% 1044 0.03% /images/thumbs/thumb_h13390877.jpg

Top 10 of 1248 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 20585 16.85% 677516 22.55% /forum.php
2 1639 1.34% 380164 12.65% /download/download1.php
3 5546 4.54% 202381 6.74% /
4 3520 2.88% 53591 1.78% /document.php
5 2123 1.74% 44151 1.47% /video.php
6 182 0.15% 22286 0.74% /images/forum/forum-213703.png
7 240 0.20% 20523 0.68% /images/fileedit/learn_secret_03.jpg
8 75 0.06% 15892 0.53% /images/forum/biketrial.jpg
9 46 0.04% 14129 0.47% /images/forum/bigman.png
10 307 0.25% 13163 0.44% /admin/FYDBadmin.php

Top 2 of 2 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5546 4.54% 3194 99.78% /
2 11 0.01% 7 0.22% /google33b8cb6acd66f3dd.html

Top 3 of 3 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5546 4.54% 3165 99.84% /
2 11 0.01% 4 0.13% /google33b8cb6acd66f3dd.html
3 3 0.00% 1 0.03% /googleeba261d052c88da3.html

Top 30 of 2363 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2473 2.02% 2375 2.78% 84048 2.80% 94 2.91%
2 2227 1.82% 1981 2.32% 58311 1.94% 32 0.99% crawl-66-249-70-199.googlebot.com
3 2076 1.70% 1671 1.96% 51522 1.71% 67 2.08% pc25.adsl76.tku.edu.tw
4 1563 1.28% 1124 1.32% 43468 1.45% 29 0.90% 125-225-124-144.dynamic.hinet.net
5 1327 1.09% 697 0.82% 20747 0.69% 24 0.74% 219-84-21-252-adsl-tpe.static.so-net.net.tw
6 1322 1.08% 1312 1.54% 102 0.00% 7 0.22%
7 1303 1.07% 1227 1.44% 12765 0.42% 15 0.46% 125-225-100-95.dynamic.hinet.net
8 1118 0.91% 1099 1.29% 6978 0.23% 7 0.22% 219-84-178-196-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
9 1086 0.89% 850 1.00% 85428 2.84% 26 0.81% 125-225-97-31.dynamic.hinet.net
10 1084 0.89% 1047 1.23% 35187 1.17% 7 0.22% 219-84-125-16-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
11 1047 0.86% 598 0.70% 30299 1.01% 13 0.40% 123-194-39-12.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw
12 1023 0.84% 862 1.01% 86849 2.89% 25 0.77% 125-225-100-141.dynamic.hinet.net
13 1019 0.83% 1019 1.19% 27 0.00% 0 0.00%
14 920 0.75% 660 0.77% 32466 1.08% 68 2.11%
15 842 0.69% 451 0.53% 14074 0.47% 24 0.74% 220-133-18-8.hinet-ip.hinet.net
16 791 0.65% 605 0.71% 26064 0.87% 13 0.40%
17 764 0.63% 479 0.56% 14906 0.50% 21 0.65% 61-62-234-206-adsl-tpe.static.so-net.net.tw
18 731 0.60% 440 0.52% 19425 0.65% 20 0.62% adsl-61-56-227-176.nh.sparqnet.net
19 703 0.58% 475 0.56% 16247 0.54% 11 0.34% 218-167-64-37.dynamic.hinet.net
20 698 0.57% 644 0.75% 125221 4.17% 1 0.03%
21 678 0.55% 212 0.25% 6703 0.22% 20 0.62% 218-167-66-34.dynamic.hinet.net
22 668 0.55% 384 0.45% 25425 0.85% 25 0.77%
23 665 0.54% 642 0.75% 8563 0.28% 7 0.22% 219-84-59-109-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
24 653 0.53% 636 0.75% 6133 0.20% 7 0.22% 219-84-56-58-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
25 647 0.53% 636 0.75% 5750 0.19% 6 0.19% 219-84-63-251-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
26 634 0.52% 570 0.67% 22612 0.75% 25 0.77% 125-225-113-106.dynamic.hinet.net
27 614 0.50% 191 0.22% 6205 0.21% 4 0.12% 220-131-66-32.hinet-ip.hinet.net
28 607 0.50% 591 0.69% 6972 0.23% 9 0.28% 219-84-125-130-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
29 561 0.46% 546 0.64% 6124 0.20% 10 0.31% 219-84-63-190-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
30 547 0.45% 513 0.60% 4807 0.16% 6 0.19% 219-84-1-126-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw

Top 10 of 2363 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 698 0.57% 644 0.75% 125221 4.17% 1 0.03%
2 1023 0.84% 862 1.01% 86849 2.89% 25 0.77% 125-225-100-141.dynamic.hinet.net
3 1086 0.89% 850 1.00% 85428 2.84% 26 0.81% 125-225-97-31.dynamic.hinet.net
4 2473 2.02% 2375 2.78% 84048 2.80% 94 2.91%
5 2227 1.82% 1981 2.32% 58311 1.94% 32 0.99% crawl-66-249-70-199.googlebot.com
6 2076 1.70% 1671 1.96% 51522 1.71% 67 2.08% pc25.adsl76.tku.edu.tw
7 1563 1.28% 1124 1.32% 43468 1.45% 29 0.90% 125-225-124-144.dynamic.hinet.net
8 1084 0.89% 1047 1.23% 35187 1.17% 7 0.22% 219-84-125-16-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
9 920 0.75% 660 0.77% 32466 1.08% 68 2.11%
10 1047 0.86% 598 0.70% 30299 1.01% 13 0.40% 123-194-39-12.dynamic.kbronet.com.tw

Top 78 of 78 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 39427 32.27% http://biketrial.tw/forum.php
2 23380 19.13% http://biketrial.tw/
3 18720 15.32% - (Direct Request)
4 7728 6.32% http://www.biketrial.tw/forum.php
5 7521 6.16% http://biketrial.tw/document.php
6 6913 5.66% http://biketrial.tw/index.php
7 4507 3.69% http://www.biketrial.tw/
8 3489 2.86% http://www.biketrial.tw/index.php
9 3337 2.73% http://biketrial.tw/video.php
10 2172 1.78% http://www.biketrial.tw/document.php
11 1496 1.22% http://biketrial.tw/download/download.php
12 793 0.65% http://www.biketrial.tw/video.php
13 472 0.39% http://biketrial.tw/admin/management.php
14 382 0.31% http://tw.search.yahoo.com/search
15 274 0.22% http://biketrial.tw/registry.php
16 245 0.20% http://biketrial.tw/admin/FYDBadmin.php
17 161 0.13% http://biketrial.tw/login.php
18 134 0.11% http://www.biketrial.tw
19 131 0.11% http://biketrial.tw/application.php
20 124 0.10% http://biketrial.tw
21 80 0.07%
22 64 0.05% http://biketrial.tw/bulletin.php
23 59 0.05%
24 54 0.04% http://www.google.com.tw/search
25 42 0.03% http://www.biketrial.tw/application.php
26 38 0.03% http://biketrial.tw/admin/fileedit_management.php
27 37 0.03% http://tw.msg.club.yahoo.com/msg/msga
28 29 0.02% http://www.biketrialclub.com/forum/index.php
29 28 0.02% http://www.baidu.com/s
30 27 0.02% http://www.biketrial.tw/login.php
31 24 0.02% http://www.biketrial.tw/download/download.php
32 23 0.02% http://biketrial.tw/test_class_file.php
33 23 0.02% http://www.biketrialclub.com/forum/
34 22 0.02% http://www.bikemen.net/phpbb2/viewtopic.php
35 22 0.02% http://www.biketrial.tw/registry.php
36 21 0.02% http://www.google.com/search
37 18 0.01% http://zoopython.blog.163.com/blog/static/37469770200781765730638/edit/
38 17 0.01% http://www.biketrialclub.com/forum/viewthread.php
39 14 0.01% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bike_trials_riding
40 13 0.01% http://www.run2w.com/forum/viewtopic.php
41 13 0.01% http://zoopython.blog.163.com/blog/static/37469770200781765730638/
42 10 0.01% http://hk.search.yahoo.com/search
43 10 0.01% http://ms1.csd.ykvs.tpc.edu.tw/~frank/links.htm
44 9 0.01% http://www.google.cn/search
45 8 0.01% http://biketrial.tw:2082/tmp/biketria/webalizer/usage_200710.html
46 8 0.01% http://zoopython.blog.163.com/blog/
47 7 0.01%
48 7 0.01% http://cache.baidu.com/c
49 6 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/download/
50 5 0.00%
51 4 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/download
52 4 0.00% http://search.yahoo.com/search
53 4 0.00% http://www.wretch.cc/blog/kevin3441
54 3 0.00%
55 3 0.00% http://image.yodao.com/
56 3 0.00% http://www.biketrial.tw/bulletin.php
57 2 0.00% http://blog.yam.com/dancingbuffalo/article/12176891
58 2 0.00% http://www.altavista.com/web/results
59 2 0.00% http://www.google.pl/search
60 2 0.00% http://www.photobysergio.fr/stats/awstats.photobysergio.fr.refererpages.html
61 1 0.00%
62 1 0.00% http://arrowsun.spaces.live.com/
63 1 0.00% http://arrowsun.spaces.live.com/default.aspx
64 1 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/+point['+total+'][1]+
65 1 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/+point['+total+'][4]+
66 1 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/images/fileedit/i-lan_low.PNG
67 1 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/images/forum/2007529_40.jpg
68 1 0.00% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trials_Riding
69 1 0.00% http://hk.f507.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter
70 1 0.00% http://hk.f532.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter
71 1 0.00% http://hk.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch
72 1 0.00% http://pl.youtube.com/watch
73 1 0.00% http://tw.mg30.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch
74 1 0.00% http://www.baidu.com/baidu
75 1 0.00% http://www.google.co.jp/search
76 1 0.00% http://www9.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php
77 1 0.00% http://yueh.biketrial.tw/
78 1 0.00% http://zoopython.blog.163.com/

Top 19 of 19 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 119 58.62% 攀岩車
2 25 12.32% 0
3 24 11.82% biketrial
4 11 5.42% 台灣攀岩車
5 5 2.46% biketrial at tw
6 5 2.46% biketrial.tw
7 2 0.99% 臺灣攀岩車
8 1 0.49% biketrial at
9 1 0.49% http://www.biketrial.tw/index.php
10 1 0.49% monty trial
11 1 0.49% tank bike 台灣
12 1 0.49% �k����
13 1 0.49% 二輪人
14 1 0.49% 台灣技術車
15 1 0.49% 攀岩車.
16 1 0.49% 攀岩車技巧
17 1 0.49% 攀岩車社
18 1 0.49% 攀岩車聯盟
19 1 0.49% 記錄片 wmv

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 39 0.00% 1 0.03% rvphpinfo

Top 15 of 166 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 26883 22.00% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2 23673 19.37% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
3 7758 6.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: G
4 6593 5.40% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
5 5238 4.29% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa
6 3866 3.16% Baiduspider+(+http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm)
7 3388 2.77% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Foxy/
8 3103 2.54% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NE
9 3088 2.53% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-TW; rv: G
10 2931 2.40% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoP
11 2584 2.11% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
12 2398 1.96% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; KKman
13 2304 1.89% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/
14 2229 1.82% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-TW; rv: G
15 2201 1.80% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.co

Usage by Country for October 2007

Top 16 of 16 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 65016 53.21% 41704 48.87% 1691159 56.28% Network
2 32432 26.54% 24583 28.81% 588907 19.60% Taiwan
3 18561 15.19% 14292 16.75% 552685 18.39% Unresolved/Unknown
4 5010 4.10% 4086 4.79% 135746 4.52% US Commercial
5 803 0.66% 512 0.60% 17139 0.57% China
6 182 0.15% 182 0.21% 12987 0.43% Hong Kong
7 66 0.05% 65 0.08% 3839 0.13% Australia
8 21 0.02% 18 0.02% 216 0.01% Poland
9 20 0.02% 20 0.02% 1435 0.05% Germany
10 20 0.02% 20 0.02% 156 0.01% Hungary
11 17 0.01% 13 0.02% 122 0.00% Ireland
12 17 0.01% 16 0.02% 127 0.00% Singapore
13 16 0.01% 14 0.02% 91 0.00% Italy
14 8 0.01% 8 0.01% 208 0.01% United Kingdom
15 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 16 0.00% Brazil
16 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 40 0.00% Japan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01
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