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>   Topic: [Equip] monty 231s   2 Replies    3358 Views   
  monty 231s
  Author: aj     Post Time: 2009/06/19
231s nice view to look at
  RE: monty 231s
  Replier: aj     Reply Time: 2009/06/19
RE: monty 231s
sorry having problem with uploading
  RE: monty 231s
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2009/06/19
2009/06/19, user frankyueh has made number 1 times of modification
you can change to the typical uploading mode to upload your pics.

notice that button at the right upper corner of the upload file field of the form.

(you cannot upload file have the following reasons: file is more then 2MB ` picture dimension are too big ` your browser is not support the flash player... you can solve the last of this three problem if you change into the typical uploading mode)