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  K-124 Days 2009
  張貼者: 哲哲     張貼時間: 2009/07/09
文章於 2009/07/09 由 uuccq 做過第 1 次的修改


主要是頂級車手們的"Super elite"比賽片段

中段有Vincent 、Gilles的騎車甘苦談





K-124 Days 2009 from Icke84 on Vimeo.

  RE: K-124 Days 2009
  回應者: FrankYueh     回應時間: 2009/07/09
文章於 2009/07/09 由 frankyueh 做過第 1 次的修改


這是我的翻譯處女作, 所以可能並不是很好, 加減看, 反正我還有加註有原文.

The big innovation this year is the "SUPER ELITE" category with extremely hard sections, what do you think of that, at the end of the 1st day?
你認為在第一天最後的"SUPER ELITE"超級困難的級別, 亦為今年比賽最大的變革, 你有什麼看法?
On the principle, I think it's a very good thing. It allow to have a very high level competition.
原則上, 我覺得這是一件很好的事. 因為可以有非常高水準的競賽.
It's a good change compared to the competitions with easy sections, where one foot down can make you loose the race. Here you can make some mistakes and still fight for the win, you can change your strategy.
相對於在簡單的路段可能你才落腳扣一分, 就會輸了整場比賽. 在SUPER ELITE, 你可以犯就算犯了一些錯誤, 改變一些策略, 你還是有機會可以贏得比賽. 所以這是個很好的改變.
The race is a lot more "open" and the sections are monstrous, but despite the difficulty, all those sections where cleaned yesterday at least one time.
奇怪的地形讓比賽具有更多的可能, 儘管難度很高, 但昨天的所有路段都至少有一次沒扣分的情況下騎完.
I really think it was the perfect level of difficulty for us.
And I also think that for the ELITE riders it was also a good thing because they are the best riders in their countries, some of them are in the top 10 in the world, and here, last year, they took their bike on their head because it was too hard.
去年在這裡很多ELITE的車手, 都好像只有扛車的份, 因為都太困難了. 然而他們確都是自己國家最強的選手, 可能有些還是世界排前10的選手.

So I really think it's great, it's a race with extreme sections for us, SUPER ELITE and for ELITE riders, it allow them to have fun, ride well and make the show and ride for the win in their category which, for me, is not a "2nd level" category.
所以我覺得SUPER ELITE 和ELITE車手能在自己極致且適合自己的路段是非常好的, 他們可以享有樂趣, 騎的更好和做一些表演, 或是為了勝利而騎. 就我而言, 那絕對不是次等的級別.
When you look at the name of some the riders in Elite, and the level of the sections, you realize it's still ELITE.
尤其是當你看了ELITE級別的參賽名單, 並且看過該級別的比賽路線, 你就會明白這仍然是ELITE!
SUPER ELITE... it's really says it all... it's really "SUPER ELITE"!
超級ELITE... 名符其實... 它真的是超級"ELITE"!
Some obstacles are so huge that we have to use the pedals, but globally I really enjoy it because you have to fight!
很多障礙物都超困難的, 讓我們不得不使用踏板, 但總體來講, 我非常樂在其中, 因為你必須要挑戰它!
And we came here to fight, not to clean all the sections with ease.
並且我們是來這邊挑戰的, 並不是以輕鬆的心情不扣分的過每個路段.

The race is about to start again in 1 hour, do you feel any pressure?
若一個小時內再開始一次比賽, 你仍會感到有壓力嗎?
When the day I don't feel pressure anymore will arrive, I will stop riding. That will mean that it's not for me anymore.
若當我有一天不再感覺有任何的壓力, 我將不會再騎車了. 因為那代表攀岩車已經對我來講沒有感覺了.
I think we have a big weight on our shoulders, we work hard for competitions.
我覺得我們有很大的責任, 必須要努力用心於比賽中.
I think we have even more pressure than other riders because this is our life! This is how we make a living. This is our carreer, so it's decisive for us.
這是我們的事業, 我們的壓力比任何一位其它的車手都來得大, 因為我們必須靠它生活, 因此這是必然的.
Now we learned to manage the pressure, we have done so many competitions... but it's a motivation.
因為我們參加過了相當多的比賽, 現在我們懂得如何去管理壓力. 但這也是因為有動機存在.
I know that when I won't feel it anymore, it will means that it's time for me to stop riding.
所以我知道當我對它不在有認何感覺, 那就是我該停止騎車的時候.

At this exact moment, we are not too stressed out.
在目前當下, 我們當然不會認為有太大的壓力.
But when the race starts, I cannot say that we are not stressed. There is always this strange sensation in your stomac!
不過當比賽開始, 我不敢說我們沒有壓力. 因為總是有一種奇怪的緊張冒出來.
We race against excellent riders so automatically there is some stress and we are not here to play around!
我們比賽必須對抗那些很棒的選手, 所以自然有一點壓力, 並且我們不是來這邊玩樂的!
We are here to win, not for 2nd or 3rd place.
我們是來這邊贏得冠軍, 不是第二名第三名.
But it's not as stressfull as the world cup.