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>   Topic: [Equip] my gf's 24" trials bike btt   2 Replies    3914 Views   
  my gf's 24" trials bike btt
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2009/08/22


1040, 70 degree head angle, 375mm chain stays, +20mm bb

almost done:) just need to put on the back brake and get a seat post that fits properly.
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  RE: my gf's 24" trials bike
  Replier: Gordon (國棟)     Reply Time: 2009/08/22
dude how many bikes do you own?? lets see the stock all at once.
  RE: my gf's 24" trials bike
  Replier: 放了我.大娘     Reply Time: 2009/08/22
Quote Kevin article-
1040, 70 degree head angle,...
your girl friend's trial bike?
wow~girl rides trial bike is really dazzling.