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>   Topic: [Video] (Video) Richmondtrials - Beautiful Driving   8 Replies    5383 Views   
  (Video) Richmondtrials - Beautiful Driving
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2009/09/07
Last video on the slate for me. no vimeo streaming for this one, since the file size is really big.

Right Click here and Save Target As
  RE: (Video) Richmondtrials - Beautiful Driving
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2009/09/08
I like the style of this kind of videos.. very smooth and with the natural filming.. I love this video really much! Its let me feel that its relaxed on the trials riding, I really enjoy this one!!!
  RE: (Video) Richmondtrials - Beautiful Driving
  Replier: jason     Reply Time: 2009/09/08
  RE: (Video) Richmondtrials - Beautiful Driving
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2009/09/11
2009/09/11, user kevinliu has made number 1 times of modification
someone on otn uploaded my video to vimeo for me!

vimeo link
  RE: (Video) Richmondtrials - Beautiful Driving
  Replier: Gordon (國棟)     Reply Time: 2009/09/11
hey kevin are you finished with riding?
  RE: (Video) Richmondtrials - Beautiful Driving
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2009/09/11
i am just finished with this frame. i got a new bike coming soon:)
  RE: (Video) Richmondtrials - Beautiful Driving
  Replier: 小江     Reply Time: 2009/09/11
Quote Kevin article-
i am just finished with thi...
Not fair ~~ new bike everyday !
  RE: (Video) Richmondtrials - Beautiful Driving
  Replier: 小魚     Reply Time: 2009/09/11
2009/09/11, user andy95100 has made number 1 times of modification
you just have a new bike three months ago
its very unfair

the video is very high quality
  RE: (Video) Richmondtrials - Beautiful Driving
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2009/09/13
i like to try new frames with different geometry so i can find out what works and what doesnt