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>   Topic: [Skill] 我的點跳影片   3 Replies    8321 Views   
  Author: mark     Post Time: 2009/09/16
終於有機會拍一段影片看看自己目前的進度, 基本動作, 見笑了.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjNlPBseyoU+ expand- fold
  RE: 我的點跳影片
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2009/09/16
wow that's pretty good. try to practice hopping in the same place without using any pedal. you shouldn't be pedaling that much when you are rotating on back wheel, or just staying in place. it looks like sometimes you pedal forward, but you hop the bike back the same distance. you might as well just not pedal. you can also practice hopping forward without releasing the brakes or using the pedal. simply think about kicking your pedals away from your body every time you hop
  RE: 我的點跳影片
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2009/09/16
Quote Kevin article-
wow that's pretty good. try...

Thank you for the tips, in fact I am something different in learning procedure, I can do pedal hop but can't do hopping without pedal, it goes that way from the beginning, I almost forget this until you remind me now, I should try to learn that move again.
  RE: 我的點跳影片
  Replier: 攀岩以斯拉     Reply Time: 2009/09/17
Peace...kicking your pedals away from your body every time you hop, geee...what a lesson here... peace again