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>   Topic: [Video] video with some left over clips   1 Replies    2308 Views   
  video with some left over clips
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2009/09/16
2009/09/16, user kevinliu has made number 1 times of modification
i found some clips of section 3 at whistler. it's hard to tell, but the rocks are very dusty and slippery. both clips of me and chris are from our first lap. I didn't ride so good during my first lap. i was angry at a stupid mistake i made during section 1, and could not get out of that mental state. luckily i was able to get myself out, and i managed to clean every section during the second lap, which resulted in a second place finish. also added 2 clips that i forgot to put in my video earlier. i decided to upload this because i just finished building my new bike, so there won't be any more videos on the slate.

  RE: video with some left over clips
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2009/09/16
