Article had moved to the trade-forum board
文章於 2009/09/17 由 frankyueh 做過第 1 次的修改
Title "Koxx尋找代理商" had moved to the trade board. Because it is an article that involved with some business information. For the website management, it had been moved to the trade-forum board.
RE: Article had moved to the trade-forum board
Because of the system is not really convenient for article moving, same trade alike article in this board next time, the article will be locked or deleted, please must have to notice!
因為系統搬移資料非常不方便, 下次若有相同的交易文出現, 文章將會被鎖定或是刪除, 請務必注意!
(以這次外國的例子, 因為語言問題可能造成分類上的困難, 因此管理員僅於此次以搬移文章方式處理之.)