>   主題: [硬體] my new rockman kortz btt   6 回應    5877 觀看   
  my new rockman kortz btt
  張貼者: Kevin     張貼時間: 2009/09/18
I just finished building my new rockman kortz. It's a little bit heaver than my slate at 8.78kg (slate was 8.5). I had my first ride on the bike today, and it feels amazing. Despite the longer wheel base, the bike feels shorter than the slate. The bike is very responsive, and the frame is much stiffer. The only issue with the frame, is that there isn't a lot of tire clearance. With a large tire like the der kaiser, i only get about 2mm per side. But the frame is so stiff, that the tire does not rub the frame.

After about 30 minutes on the bike, I was feeling really confident on it. I was able to do a sidehop that I had a lot of trouble with on the slate within the first 3 tries. I was then able to do it every single time after.

I was expecting the bike to be a lot more unstable with the +60mm bottom bracket (the slate was +45). However, the bike feels a lot more comfortable on both wheels and on back wheel. I think the slacker head angle (70.5) helps a lot. I am also running a koxx forxx, which has a 35mm offset rather than a 45mm offset. The higher bar height may have contributed to the steadiness of the bike as well.

Here are the full specs on the bike :

frame : green rockman kortz
headset : silver echo SL
Stem : Tartybike forged 127x27
bar : try all NO WAR carbon fiber
fork : try-all +20mm
Front brake : Hope mono trials carbon/ti
Rear brake : Rear hs-33 with carbon fiber RB design lever
cranks : silver 170mm try all
freewheel : echo SL 108pt
bash : Trialtech titanium half bash
Pedal : wellgo mg-1
Front rim : Try-all hOle
front hub : Try-all H
Front spokes : Sapim CX-Ray with Vis alloy nipples
Rear rim : Try-all hOle
Rear hub : echo sl
rear spokes : Sapim CX-Ray with Vis alloy nipples
Front tire : schwalbe nobby nic 2.1
rear tire : Continental der kaiser
bottom bracket : reset titanium with echo SL bolts

This is my first time using the sapim cx-ray spokes. I find that although they are lighter than the dt revolutions, the spokes are much less stretchy. I found that my old front wheel with revolutions had a lot of spoke flex, which made the front disc brake feel less direct. These new wheels are definitely a lot stiffer than the old ones.

You can find information on the spokes here :
Sapim CX-Ray

Pictures :

















I also took some riding pictures today. I'll upload those as soon as my photographer friend sends them to me:)

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  RE: my new rockman kortz
  回應者: FrankYueh     回應時間: 2009/09/18
我剛組好我的新車rockman kortz. 這台車比我先前的slate還來得重一些 8.78kg (Slate是 8.5). 我今天第一次騎他, 發現儘管它的Wheel base比較長, 但騎起來的感覺卻短於slate; 而車子反應度也非常的好, 硬度也較硬, 非常不可思議. 這車架唯一的問題就是後下叉輪子的空間較狹窄. 當裝上大的輪胎像是 der kaiser, 輪子兩邊離車架就僅存2mm. 不過車架非常的硬, 所以輪胎並不會磨擦到車架.

經過了30分鐘的騎乘後, 我已經能夠掌控它了. 我側跳在我先前會失敗很多次的地方, 我只試了三次就成功了. 並且我隨後怎麼跳都可以跳上.

我原本以為這台車會因為+60mm的高BB(Slate 是 +45mm)會騎起來相當不穩定. 可是, 這台車不論是兩輪在地或是單輪在地, 都非常的自在. 我在想可能多半是因為頭管的角度(70.5)的關係. 而且我還使用了 koxx forxx的前叉, 這支前叉 35mm offset 比 45mm offset 還小. 高的握把高度也許幫助了更好掌控車子.

這邊是車子所有詳細規格 :

車架: green rockman kortz
頭腕 : silver echo SL
龍頭 : Tartybike forged 127x27
握把 : try all NO WAR carbon fiber
前叉 : try-all +20mm
前煞 : Hope mono trials carbon/ti
後煞 : Rear hs-33 with carbon fiber RB design lever
曲柄 : silver 170mm try all
飛輪 : echo SL 108pt
護盤 : Trialtech titanium half bash
踏板 : wellgo mg-1
前框 : Try-all hOle
前花股 : Try-all H
前幅條 : Sapim CX-Ray with Vis alloy nipples
後框 : Try-all hOle
後花股 : echo sl
後幅條 : Sapim CX-Ray with Vis alloy nipples
前胎 : schwalbe nobby nic 2.1
後胎 : Continental der kaiser
BB : reset titanium with echo SL bolts

這是我第一次使用 sapim cx-ray 的幅條. 我發現儘管它們比dt revolutions還輕, 幅條的硬度還反而更好. 我找到了我舊的前輪上面用 dt revolutions的幅條, 發現有很多被申長的地方, 這造成我的碟煞較不直接. 這些新的輪台讓我的車更比先前的硬很多.

你在這邊找到幅條的相關資訊 :
Sapim CX-Ray

圖片 :


我也有照了今天騎車的一些照片. 我會馬上傳這些等我照相的朋友傳給我 :)

(KEVIN說, 我幫他翻譯完, 來台灣時這台車就要送給我.)
  RE: my new rockman kortz btt
  回應者: Kevin     回應時間: 2009/09/18

i'll add more tomorrow:)
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  RE: my new rockman kortz
  回應者: Gordon (國棟)     回應時間: 2009/09/19
hey there was no need to add the booster, rockman as its own built in booster. so you're jst adding weight
  RE: my new rockman kortz
  回應者: mark     回應時間: 2009/09/19
引用 Gordon (國棟) 的文章-
hey there was no need to ad...

  RE: my new rockman kortz
  回應者: Kevin     回應時間: 2009/09/19
引用 Gordon (國棟) 的文章-
hey there was no need to ad...
this is not true. the rb lever has a lot more power than a standard magura lever, so without the booster it is a little bit mushy. i did try the frame without. the brake works much better with the booster.

when i put a standard hs-33 on the bike, the brake was very stiff. if i didnt run the rb, i would not run a booster.
  RE: my new rockman kortz
  回應者: mark     回應時間: 2009/09/19
引用 Kevin 的文章-
this is not true. the rb le...

凱文同學說因為那個RB油壓煞把力道太強了, 沒用BOOSTER的話煞車時有太軟的感覺(因為車架被撐開), 若是用HS-33的煞把時他就不需要用BOOSTER.