RE: im coming back to taiwan!!
回應者: mark
回應時間: 2009/09/30
it's confirmed! i leave canada dec 23 and arrive in taiwan dec 24. i'm there untill jan 2nd!! lets ride bikes!
加拿大的凱文同學將在12月24日回到台灣, 預計停留到1月2日, 一齊來騎車吧!
RE: im coming back to taiwan!!
回應者: 攀岩以斯拉
回應時間: 2009/09/30
文章於 2009/09/30 由 ezra 做過第 1 次的修改
台灣的高手 會陪你騎個夠 我這種低手 只能去觀摩啦 要通知低手耶 It's gonna be some hot shot here to ride with you and show you some places to go, and rookie like me could do nothing but stay put there , and be kind enough to notify the ROOKIE (me) when you arrive and ready to go...
RE: im coming back to taiwan!!
龍洞灣 (Long Don Bay) 是個完美的地方. Is a best place for competition.
We can go there for 2days with one night
There is a Hostel near by the Bay, only 200 NTD each person each night, and sleep all together.
The information of the spot
The Hostel look like
不要小看它那麼破. 他們有洗衣機可以洗你的衣服, 還有熱水可以沖澡.. 重點是他們還有電風扇(那邊天氣夠冷, 連夏天都不須要冷氣)
Don't think its poor. they have washing machine can wash your close, and they have hot water for the hot water shower... and most important is that they have the fan(its cool enough there will no need for the air conditioning even in the summer...)
more informations and videos.
Tele for the Hostel
RE: im coming back to taiwan!!
龍洞灣 (Long Don Bay) 是個完美的地方....
靠...好熱血啊, 我也是noob啦, 所以不可能參加競賽的, 但會想辦法去看你們戰個昏天暗地, 希望當天風和日麗, 醬我才可以帶女王和小公主去附近玩, 而我就名正言順的去看你們戰啦哈哈...
d@m...wut a spirit. I'm also no more than a noob so the competition is not for me, but I'll manage to be on the sideline watching you guys fight your @$$ off lol. Hope it's gonna be a fine day so that I can bring my queen and little princess to some scenic spot nearby and I can then go see the battle lol.
RE: im coming back to taiwan!!
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2009/10/01
i dont think we have enough time to afford staying there for 2 days. also, is there a nicer hotel than that? i don't really want to stay there with my gf:(