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>   Topic: [Infor] new website! richmondtrials.com!   3 Replies    7614 Views   
  new website! richmondtrials.com!
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2009/10/30
there is still a lot of work to do on the website, but it is online now. hopefully the other riders will start putting up articles as well!

richmondtrials website

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  RE: new website! richmondtrials.com!
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2009/10/30
恭喜 kevin 同學加拿大richmonds攀岩車網站開張, 以後攀岩車迷又多了一個欣賞與學習技術的地方.
  RE: new website! richmondtrials.com!
  Replier: 尿尿小P     Reply Time: 2009/10/30
我對網路商店的部份比較有興趣 ,
  RE: new website! richmondtrials.com!
  Replier: 攀岩以斯拉     Reply Time: 2009/11/02
Congratulation to Kevin's new website! A new surf stop for trial bike... HD videos from Vimeo are still way high challenge to my PC.