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>   Topic: [Video] sidehops make me cry ='(   3 Replies    3343 Views   
  sidehops make me cry ='(
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2009/11/05
  RE: sidehops make me cry ='(
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2009/11/05
以同一個人而言, 如果是兩個輪子在地上的側跳跟單輪側跳在高度上會差多少呢?
  RE: sidehops make me cry ='(
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2009/11/05
i can only do about 38" from both wheels. i can do 49" from rear wheel.

if you have a low bb bike with longer chain stays and shorter wheelbase, it's easier to sidehop from both wheels.
  RE: sidehops make me cry ='(
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2009/11/05
換成公分單位, 凱文同學兩輪落地的側跳可以跳97公分, 單輪側跳125公分, 超過125公分就要哭了.