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>   Topic: [Actv.] rides in taiwan   11 Replies    9588 Views   
  rides in taiwan
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2009/12/10
i'm not sure if it's true, but i heard the competition on the 26th is canceled? if thats the case, lets have a ride in that park in taichung on the 26th anyways. don't need sections, just ride for fun.

i think i can ride twice while i am in taipei too. maybe once on the 28th and once on the 30th
  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2009/12/10
2009/12/10, user frankyueh has made number 1 times of modification
yea!! the comp may be cancel or may not, i think there just have lots of trouble for the comp.. but i dont think that if there have no competition may make us not as funs, in the other side it should have more fun, because its more easy and less trouble.. just play, lets ride..

and in taichung in the middle of the taiwan, its make the southern or the northern riders more easy to meet together!! its no problem for the ride at the park!!
  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: niwlen     Reply Time: 2009/12/11
Haha..!! Then Gorden cannot win! I will be coming for the ride! =)
  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2009/12/17
The schedule may will be below

23rd Dec, Wed.
1655 : go to airport and drive Nelwin to Taipei Hostel

24th Dec, Thur.
1200 - 1630 : ride at the number 4 park

25th Dec, Fri.
free day

26th Dec, Sat.
0830 - 1030 : drive to Taichung
1100 - 1700 : ride at the city park
1900 - 2100 : back to Taipei

27th Dec, Sun.
free day

28th Dec, Mon.
1800 - 2300 : night ride in Taipei
(1200 - 1800 : ride at number 4 park)

28th Dec, Tue.
1200 - 1800 : ride at number 4 park
(free day)

30th Dec, Wed.
1000 - 1800 : ride at north-east coast

31st Dec, Thur.
free day

1st Jan, Fri.
free day

2nd Jan, Sat.
Kevin back to Canada

3rd Jan, Sun.
Nelwin back to Singapore


I still not sure for those days, because we have to ride continuous three days.. that could be the problem..
  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: 橘祖     Reply Time: 2009/12/17
Is there any free night??

  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2009/12/17
The great nature jumpers:
  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: 橘祖     Reply Time: 2009/12/17
Quote mark article-
The great nature jumpers:
wow... that's a beautiful pedal jump.... one full crank and nice transition of COG (center of gravity)...
  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: kazuya     Reply Time: 2009/12/17
Quote FrankYueh article-
The schedule may will be be...
since when? look here!!! 2nd Jan, Sat.....is my birthday~~ so i'm going to celebrate~~
  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: Jules 阿堯     Reply Time: 2009/12/17
Quote kazuya article-
since when? look here!!! 2n...

with who????? ME??? ALL NIGHT???? that's sucks!!!!
  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2009/12/18
i need help getting from my hotel to the park...
  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2009/12/18
Quote Kevin article-
i need help getting from my...

you can ask for old k, he will help you to get there~!!
  RE: rides in taiwan
  Replier: niwlen     Reply Time: 2009/12/19
Quote kazuya article-
since when? look here!!! 2n...

Do you have a ride to celebrate?? haha!