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>   Topic: [Actv.] who wants to ride in taichung right now?   2 Replies    5405 Views   
  who wants to ride in taichung right now?
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2009/12/25
its xmas, and i'm headed to the metro park right now. come join me if you want to ride!
  RE: who wants to ride in taichung right now?
  Replier: Gordon (國棟)     Reply Time: 2009/12/25
2009/12/25, user Gordon has made number 1 times of modification
hey dude if you want to ride later tonight, i will be riding in school (興大) with some other guys, from 8 untill. oh thats today friday 12/25.

here is my # just in case you can't find the place 0938 425 748
  RE: who wants to ride in taichung right now?
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2009/12/25
its alright. it's a bit late for me. see you tomorrow:)