>   主題: [硬體] Rockman Slate2 btt   9 回應    5541 觀看   
  Rockman Slate2 btt
  張貼者: Kevin     張貼時間: 2010/02/03
I guess I should announce that I am officially riding for Rockman Bikes this season. The bike is amazing :)




wait for video review!
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  RE: Rockman Slate2
  回應者: liana     回應時間: 2010/02/03
  RE: Rockman Slate2
  回應者: Gordon (國棟)     回應時間: 2010/02/03
跟你一前綠色的一樣, 所以真是"換湯不換藥"

hey kev nice bike dude, congrads on making the team. wish i was on a team, but guess i'm not good enought as yet.

who knows, maybe i'll good enough to make on team World Cat, when i'm a big enough contender some day. lol

send us a vid of how it rides as soon as you can.
  RE: Rockman Slate2
  回應者: 哲哲     回應時間: 2010/02/03
文章於 2010/02/03 由 uuccq 做過第 1 次的修改
引用 Gordon (國棟) 的文章-
跟你一前綠色的一樣, 所以真是"換湯不換藥"


yo! Gordon. will you enter the worldcat team??!!!!

so coooool~!!!

it's nice!


did anyone ride for worldcat already?
  RE: Rockman Slate2
  回應者: FrankYueh     回應時間: 2010/02/04

  RE: Rockman Slate2
  回應者: Gordon (國棟)     回應時間: 2010/02/04
文章於 2010/02/04 由 Gordon 做過第 1 次的修改
引用 王八哲 的文章-
yo! Gordon. will you enter ...

hey dude i didn't say i was a part of team World Cat, i said maybe some day i could make a team. Frank is way better than i am, so he will make team World Cat before me if there ever is one. even you are better than i am.
  RE: Rockman Slate2
  回應者: Gordon (國棟)     回應時間: 2010/02/04
文章於 2010/02/04 由 Gordon 做過第 1 次的修改
引用 FrankYueh 的文章-


wow nice vid, he really rides smooth, wish i could ride like that. hey Frank i'm trying the lazy style as you said, its nice but i still got alot of work to do. oh and now i can side hope 60cm, hoping to do 100cm (1M) before winter vacation is over.
  RE: Rockman Slate2
  回應者: FrankYueh     回應時間: 2010/02/04
文章於 2010/02/04 由 frankyueh 做過第 1 次的修改
引用 Gordon (國棟) 的文章-
wow nice vid, he really rid...

haha!! the problem for you is just you use the energy at wrong moment... some words says that call unstable. Try to feel the movement and calm down can help you become more stable i think.

And be smart, learn how to select right point and right way for an obstacle its important too!

引用 Gordon (國棟) 的文章-
hey dude i didn't say i was...

I think, I'm in the VIZ trial team right now...
  RE: Rockman Slate2
  回應者: mark     回應時間: 2010/02/28
請問 KEVIN: ROCKMAN 的小攀後輪規格是不是跟 MONTY 一樣的19吋輪框? 如果拿 MONTY的組件 直接換裝上ROCKMAN的車架是不是都能與車架相合?
  RE: Rockman Slate2
  回應者: Kevin     回應時間: 2010/03/01
yes. all the 20" mod bikes take a 19" rear wheel. Everything from your monty should fit. monty does use a weird rear hub spacing, where they run the snail tensioners on the outside of the frame.