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>   Topic: [Video] meta indoor comp day 1   11 Replies    6603 Views   
  meta indoor comp day 1
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2010/03/07
  RE: meta indoor comp day 1
  Replier: 攀岩以斯拉     Reply Time: 2010/03/07
Got much smoother front to rear swap
  RE: meta indoor comp day 1
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/03/09
of course. i only have 7% body fat
  RE: meta indoor comp day 1
  Replier: 橘祖     Reply Time: 2010/03/09
Quote Kevin article-
of course. i only have 7% b...
Ha!! Ha!! I love the way you reply......
  RE: meta indoor comp day 1
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/03/10
it takes years of training to obtain a body like mine. every day i train for 26 hours just to keep my body in shape. i train more hours a day than there are hours in a day. that is how intense my training is. you need to work like this if you want to be in the olympics
  RE: meta indoor comp day 1
  Replier: 橘祖     Reply Time: 2010/03/10
2010/03/10, user gary_python has made number 1 times of modification
Quote Kevin article-
it takes years of training ...
This is a table to map your body fat percentage.....
Description Women Men
Essential fat 10–13% 2-5%
Athletes 14–20% 6-13%
Fitness 21–24% 14–17%
Acceptable 25–31% 18–24%
Obese 32%+ 25%+

  RE: meta indoor comp day 1 btt
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/03/10
i will use the new try all drill to drill holes in my leg and arms to try and save some weight. im hoping to go into negative body fat percentage too.

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  RE: meta indoor comp day 1
  Replier: 橘祖     Reply Time: 2010/03/10
Quote Kevin article-
i will use the new try all ...
Is this drill gonna be twince expensive than an ordinary one?
  RE: meta indoor comp day 1 btt btt
  Replier: 尿尿小P     Reply Time: 2010/03/10
Quote Kevin article-
i will use the new try all ...

I suggest that U can do ..
Like this ..

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btt de-fat.xcf   Attached files
  RE: meta indoor comp day 1
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/03/10
Quote 尿尿小P article-
I suggest that U can do ..
im vagetable english can't fucxxng by mouth but it's really fxxxxx interesting...WAHAHA!!!
  RE: meta indoor comp day 1
  Replier: 橘祖     Reply Time: 2010/03/10
Quote 尿尿小P article-
I suggest that U can do ..
it would save lots of weight if removing that part.....
  RE: meta indoor comp day 1
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/03/10
--- 小明的故事 ---


小明是一個愛玩的小孩, 可是他每次考試成績還不錯, 通常都有80分, 有一次甚至考了105分, 家長會的時候小明的媽媽很高興的去到學校.

老師看到小明的媽媽就說: "小明調皮搗蛋不愛唸書, 應該要加油一下."

媽媽說: "小明成績還不錯啊, 最近還考了105分!"

老師說: "現在的滿分是200分."

p.s.: 你知道嗎? 加拿大現在一天的時間是240小時, 換算我們的時間要除以十.


小明的老爺爺最近去運動時跑得很快又跳得很高, 爺爺去體檢的時候跟醫生說: "醫生, 我近來身輕如燕身體很好."

醫生做了一些檢查以後發現爺爺的骨頭上都是洞洞就說: "爺爺你有骨質疏鬆症, 不要再運動了, 不然骨頭會斷掉."