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>   Topic: [Actv.] BIU歐洲杯即將開賽,前三名有獎金喔!!!   8 Replies    5703 Views   
  Author: 老K     Post Time: 2010/04/01
版內英文高手有空翻譯一下,感謝喔!!!有車友想去嗎??詳情請洽BTU/0933019233或是本版留言。R1-4/24義大利;R2-6/25捷克;R3-9/25德國, 總成積精英組第一名1000歐元;第二名500歐元;第三名200歐元。難得BIU比賽有獎金!!!


We got message from EBU about the European cup 2010 as follows. We hope the great success of all events in the series.

Dear BikeTrial Delegates, Riders, Friends,

We are before 1st round of the European Cup which will take place already on 24th of April, 2010 in Castiglioncello (LI), Italy. We invite you to participate in the EC series events and that is why we are sending you an invitation. Please pass it to your riders and friends. All information about the events you can find on our website www.eurobiketrial.com. We are looking forward to seeing you in Italy.

Sincerely yours,
Anna Šmehlíková
Assistant to the President of the E.B.U.
The European Cup 2010

Dear BikeTrial friends,
The European BikeTrial Union prepares in cooperation with the organizers of particular events the European Cup 2010. It is the series of these three events:
1st round - Castiglioncello (LI), Italy
2nd round - Bøezová u Sokolova, Czech Republic
3rd round - Scheibenberg, Germany
To the final ranking in each category is calculated each place in each event and in Germany on the 25th of September 2010 will be announced final results including decorating of absolute winners of the European Cup 2010. For the first three riders in each category is prepared cup, diploma and for category Elite following Price Money:
1st place - 1000 Euro
2nd place - 500 Euro
3rd place - 200 Euro
Come to events to Italy, Czech Republic and Germany and win your European Cup! Cordially invites, The E.B.U. Committee

News No. 01 dated 01/04/2010
  RE: BIU歐洲杯即將開賽,前三名有獎金喔!!!
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/01
can i go as team taiwan with frank? we can wear matching clothes
  RE: BIU歐洲杯即將開賽,前三名有獎金喔!!!
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/04/01
Certainly, you , Frank or any one else has to get BTU rider's license then you guys can be team member of Taiwan.
  RE: BIU歐洲杯即將開賽,前三名有獎金喔!!!
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/01
i cant do the 24th of april. that is our bike trials social event:(
  RE: BIU歐洲杯即將開賽,前三名有獎金喔!!!
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/04/01
U still have 2 chances at 6/25 and 9/26 to get awards, big money is waiting for you lol....
  RE: BIU歐洲杯即將開賽,前三名有獎金喔!!!
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/01
costs more than that to fly there haha. maybe if i have time
  RE: BIU歐洲杯即將開賽,前三名有獎金喔!!!
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/01
actually, i can go on the june 25 one. is anyone else from taiwan going?
  RE: BIU歐洲杯即將開賽,前三名有獎金喔!!!
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/04/01
這一類型的比賽有時會在比賽後因為有人對得到名次者的國籍提出質疑而需提出國籍證明, 不用懷疑, 因為這種事情經常在發生, 有時因此得名者會被取消資格而抗議者就遞補上來.

最近我移居美國數十年的一家親戚, 他們回來拿出舊身分証到戶政事務所去恢復國籍, 當天就拿到身分證, 兒女也直接可以辦理身分證, 但是都要本人現場辦才行, 這樣有兩國的國籍, 有時候就會有好用的地方.
  RE: BIU歐洲杯即將開賽,前三名有獎金喔!!!
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/04/02