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>   Topic: [Equip] Rockman SlateII btt   16 Replies    9449 Views   
  Rockman SlateII btt
  Author: niwlen     Post Time: 2010/04/22


My new bike! 8.86kg.. =( Will have to change some parts soon.
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  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: 橘祖     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
neat~~~~~ 真是喜歡這種乾淨俐落的感覺阿!!!!
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: niwlen     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
usually i build my bikes FULL black. now its silver. haha
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
wait for my new one nelwin HAHA get rid of that front tire!
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: niwlen     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
Waiting for your slateII?? haha. mountain kings are out of stock in singapore. =(
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
Quote Kevin article-
wait for my new one nelwin ...
I think so, it's broken cool and simple style...wahaha..
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
my frame is not broken haha. actually it is getting passed to another wherestheseat.com member. these frames are really really nice. I can't think of any other frame with similar design and feel in this price range. i think the direct competitor would be the hydroxx LT (which one of our local guys has). The hydroxx is heavier and flexier than the slate2, and doesnt seem to last quite as long
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
oh, and i am trying some new parts for review
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
凱文同學的 < 座椅在哪裡.com > 俱樂部有多少個會員呢? 大家都會常在一起練車嗎?
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
we are expecting about 35 people this saturday. in terms of people that actually work for the bike shop, we currently have 5
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
2010/04/23, user kevinliu has made number 1 times of modification
maybe i should also mention that out of the 5 people, 4 of us ride slate2s!!!! hahahaha! i'm waiting for frank to get one.
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
Quote Kevin article-
we are expecting about 35 p...

35人! 好多啊! 這個規模比台灣的團練還大.

新車友大概都是什麼年紀的呢? 青少年多還是大人多?
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
well i mentioned in the thread about the paid clinics that i am now teaching beginners for free. i now have 15 new beginner riders learning with us. they range from age 10 to age 40 haha!
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
the video from the social event will be in the next installment of the wherestheseat.com series
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: niwlen     Reply Time: 2010/04/23
LOL.. i can send them from singapore! =)
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: niwlen     Reply Time: 2010/05/29
Frank frank... u must try to ride a SLATE!!........
  RE: Rockman SlateII
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2010/05/29
yea! i really want to, but i choose to save money first. maybe after i crack my FANS...