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>   Topic: [Equip] shimano am-40 btt   1 Replies    2392 Views   
  shimano am-40 btt
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2010/05/05
I've worn through my monty shoes, so I decided to try these out. I am very impressed with how comfortable these shoes are. They are better constructed than any of the trials shos i've ever owned. The thickness and stiffness of the sole is also adjustable, so you can customize the shoe to the way you want it.

The sole is very grippy on my echo SL pedals. It is definitely an improvement to the davos sole on ribo and monty shoes.

At first I didn't really like the way the shoe looks, and i'm still not a big fan of the silly chinese writing on the back of them. However, after wearing them for a while, the look is growing on me. They certainly look less stupid than trials shoes.

These plastic sole inserts can used instead of the rubber ones to stiffen the mid sole.

This is the mid sole in the shoe, which can be removed altogether to make the shoe even thinner. The rubber insert can be replaced with the plastic one, as mentioned above.

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  RE: shimano am-40 btt
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/05/05
2010/05/05, user mark has made number 1 times of modification
這種鞋子的缺點是重量, 比起攀岩車專用鞋來說, 重得很誇張...

剛才找出一雙以前買的SHIMANO DX, 跟新的AM 兩雙造型很類似, 用秤子量了一下 DX, 重量剛好1000公克, 再量了一下MONTY是 640公克, 看到這篇文才想起我還有這雙鞋, 照張像順便拿出來穿一穿.


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