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>   Topic: [Equip] Jason's Custom Colored Kortz 2 btt   4 Replies    4631 Views   
  Jason's Custom Colored Kortz 2 btt
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2010/07/30
Jason was nice enough to send us these pictures of his completed Kortz 2. We managed to get his frame made with the Tractor color and graphics. I really like the solid color on the frame.

Im sorry for the quality. I suspect it may have been taken on his iphone. If I ever get a chance to, I will snap some better pictures of it.



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  RE: Jason's Custom Colored Kortz 2
  Replier: 橘祖     Reply Time: 2010/07/30
Awesome.... The chain tensioner looks fit stocks and mods.....
  RE: Jason's Custom Colored Kortz 2
  Replier: 小江     Reply Time: 2010/07/30
I don't know how you think but it looks so sexy to me ~~ yummy~
  RE: Jason's Custom Colored Kortz 2
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/07/30
arrow sun you should get one ;)
  RE: Jason's Custom Colored Kortz 2
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/07/30
i need my frame to crack faster so i can have one of these!