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>   Topic: [Video] easy section practice   2 Replies    2946 Views   
  easy section practice
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2010/08/11
2010/08/11, user has made number 1 times of modification
whistler is happening this weekend, so i've been trying to train myself to ride 2 minute sections as much as possible. instead of working on my fitness, im focusing more on using less energy each move

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwF_OXnF01Y&feature=player_embedded  Like(1)+ expand- fold
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vv14sI4QSk  Like(1)+ expand- fold
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfqRiQjeDRs  Like(1)+ expand- fold
  RE: easy section practice
  Replier: 尿尿小P     Reply Time: 2010/08/11
2010/08/11, user puffer has made number 1 times of modification
個人心得 , 所謂的 騎騎騎 , 也就是盡量瞪推來取代點跳 , 最省力 .

定車的穩定與瞪推的平順是我修行的首要目標 .
  RE: easy section practice
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/08/11