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>   Topic: [Actv.] I'm coming back to the motherland   18 Replies    10601 Views   
  I'm coming back to the motherland
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2010/09/23
Looks like my trip is going to be October instead. It's looking like 13th to 25th, or 14th to 24th. I'll confirm tomorrow =)
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2010/09/23
Sound's like we will have a wonderfull trials party in TW very very sooooooooooooon!!!

we have to get ready to welcome kevin back!!!!!! :)
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/09/23
you coming to taichung to ride some awesome parks? should be a good time to debut my sub 8kg bike
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: 小江     Reply Time: 2010/09/23
I think I can arrange a TaiChung Ride on 10/16 or 17
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/09/23
That sounds pretty sexy
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2010/09/23
Quote Kevin article-
you coming to taichung to ride some awesome parks? should...

you have to put on sandbag on your bike, get it about 9kg as same as mine. Then we can start a happy TGS battle........LOL
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/09/23
if you guys want to come to taichung that weekend, i will book the taichung hotel for longer....can you guys let me know?
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/09/24
Quote FrankYueh article-

you have to put on sandbag on your bike, get it about 9k...
You need to put sandbags around you, get yourself around 70 kg
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/09/24
凱文同學在十月13-25的期間會回台灣, 騎攀攀當然是重點, 凱文同學上次回來的時後車子在我這邊寄宿了兩夜人倒沒看見, 這次他說要來我的店看一看, 那就安排一個晚上來個歡迎趴跟台北這邊的車友聚ㄧ聚吧, 店裡的空間也可以挪一下看看凱文同學的身手, 哪一天合適呢?
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/09/25
oh, you'll want to try my bike this time ;)
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/09/25
Quote Kevin article-
oh, you'll want to try my bike this time ;)

No, I won't, your brakes are to my wrong side.

I will lift it to see how light it is, and drop it to see how strong it is.
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/09/25
dual rb lever means you can switch sides very easily
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/09/28
凱文同學回來期間若是要來轟趴聚一聚的日期大家可以說一下嗎? 時間約是晚間 7-10 點.
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2010/09/29
Quote mark article-
凱文同學回來期間若是要來轟趴聚一聚的日期大家可以說一下嗎? 時間約是晚間 7-10 點.

sorry我的回應稍微晚了一點。時間主要是以大家方便參加為主,所以時間沒有確定,基本上週一到週三都可以,如果可以的人就發個聲投票一下看看是要週一 週二 還是 週三 的晚上。還有也要看MARK的時間。
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/09/29
現在先訂星期一, 看大家的時間可以更改, 其實因為星期一老婆不在家, 我是星期三比較剛好的.
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: 聖樺     Reply Time: 2010/09/30
是18號嗎 我有休假
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2010/09/30
Quote 聖樺 article-
是18號嗎 我有休假

  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/09/30
既然有人從加拿大過來, 高雄就不算太遠了.....
  RE: I'm coming back to the motherland
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/09/30
Quote mark article-
既然有人從加拿大過來, 高雄就不算太遠了.....