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>   Topic: [Rec.] tainan is freaking awesome btt   4 Replies    5375 Views   
  tainan is freaking awesome btt
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2010/11/01
I'll post all the pics when I get home
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  RE: tainan is freaking awesome
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/11/01
I am very happy to meet you in you trip to Taiwan, the day you visit my place is a very important event in my life, if we didn't meet this time, we might not see each other in this life.....
  RE: tainan is freaking awesome
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/01
Haha, I'll be back in January. No worries!
  RE: tainan is freaking awesome
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2010/11/01
That's good, I will manage to join you to take some pictures if I can.

My shop is full of bikes now, but not trial bikes.

Trial biking is so minor in reality.
TG喝茶nini9595's reply has been removed  - [2023/08/31]