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>   Topic: [Equip] 前叉另外一個階段製程 btt   51 Replies    30115 Views   
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  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2010/11/11
2010/11/11, user frankyueh has made number 1 times of modification
Quote Kevin article-
frank you are silly. shipping cost is not on the consumer...

its okay, my point is all about the credit problem!

yea, and its my fault, i have to ask it first. its important to avoid the same problem as like different contract compare to oversea.

if the shop can be done, i will make sure more things for the sake of consumer first! :)
  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/11/11
Quote mark article-
平心而論, 我做生意有數十年了, 以生意上的觀點, 廠商生產新的商品時, 除了強調自己產品的特性以外, 也希望產品的獨特性能夠佔市場一席之地的時間長久一些.

新商品上市以後, 競爭對手在市場上能夠買得到, 那麼生產的廠商對其後的發展也無能為力.

以老K生產這種對強度很有爭議性的前叉來說, 如果競爭對手在上市以後馬上弄一支去做破壞性強度測試, 等到測試完再將斷前叉po上網來昭告天下說跳落差30公分就斷了, 那麼老K真的會一頭撞死.

這是最壞的假設, 我想實際上沒有人會這樣做, 但如果東西是我做的, 我會有這樣的假設.....

  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/11
so how much do the forks cost?
  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/11/11
Don't talk about $$ here....
  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/12
but that is what caused the issue in the first place.
  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/11/12
2010/11/12, user montykevin has made number 1 times of modification
You are misunderstanding!! Its just a brandnew notice and dealings has to in the other fence. If you are sincerely needs the prices even entity for uses . Please send me an e-mail.
  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/13
2010/11/13, user kevinliu has made number 1 times of modification
My understanding is that you told zhi wei to sell the fork to Frank for $6000NTD. Is this false? If this is true, is this price the regular retail price for the fork? I ask this because if for some personal reason you decide to sell the fork to Frank for a higher price, people deserve to know. This is a contradiction to your strong belief in business ethics, and should play a part in people's decision when it comes to choosing a product.

If someone wanted to buy a Rockman fork, they can simply find a retailer that has one in stock and buy it (even if they are sponsored by a competing company). No one gets charged more based on personal issues with the company, and they certainly aren't required to discuss anything.

Frank simply wants to buy a fork. That does not imply that he is interested in becoming a test rider for you. He started this thread to share his experiences with trying to make a purchase (similar to a review thread) with a worldcat retailer.

I apologize for being so blunt, but up to this point you have not offered a well constructed rebuttal to the issue. This may be why the thread developed this way. It is about time you cleared the issue up for all of us.
  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/11/13
Stop it please that is not fresh issue and already some friends remind me observe your action but I don't think so reason for I trust all guys is good and honest. If you or frank want to have cooperation with me just send me a mail or phone me directly.

with best sincerely,


I am Kevin too, hehe....
  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/13
Since you are so reluctant on answering my question directly on this board, I will ask you the same question via email.
  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程 btt
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/11/15



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  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2010/11/15
  RE: 前叉另外一個階段製程
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2010/11/15
2010/11/15, user montykevin has made number 1 times of modification