taiwan trip video
張貼者: Kevin
張貼時間: 2010/11/05
文章於 2010/11/05 由 做過第 1 次的修改
This was suppose to be for episode 9, but frank wanted to release it by itself. Frank can you share the password for members only?
try not to share it with too many people :)
http://www.vimeo.com/16518376 喜歡(2)+ 展開- 隱藏
回應者: 尿尿小P
回應時間: 2010/11/05
what is the password ..???
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2010/11/05
it's on there now:)
OMG, I love this vid sooooooo much, downloading now!!!
good riding and editing ~!
Let's see that's the difference from your 60D
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2010/11/06
for video? you'll only noticed a difference in audio i think
回應者: 攀岩以斯拉
回應時間: 2010/11/06
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