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>   Topic: [Video] 哇哈哈!!拔得頭籌   7 Replies    4938 Views   
  Author: 老K     Post Time: 2010/11/16
WheresTheSeat.com presents : Episode 9 from Kevin Liu on Vimeo.
  RE: 哇哈哈!!拔得頭籌
  Replier: 攀岩以斯拉     Reply Time: 2010/11/16
加拿大人 個個驍勇善戰...
  RE: 哇哈哈!!拔得頭籌
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/16
wtf i was going to post this just now hahaha. Did you leave out the caption on purpose? ;)

"This episode is the last one for our 2010 season. It has been a great year for us, and the trials community in Vancouver is as strong as ever. I am really happy that the series provided a common goal for everyone who participated, and I think we all learned to enjoy the sport of Bicycle Trials a little more.
There are way too many riders featured in this video for me to list them out one by one. I don't think the names are important anyways.
I'd like to give thank Rockman Bikes for their support, DJ Spinege for sending us some of his work, and all the riders from Biketrial.tw for their hospitality during my trip to Taiwan.

Rockman Bikes :

DJ Spinege :

Biketrials Taiwan :
  RE: 哇哈哈!!拔得頭籌
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2010/11/16
I especially love the clips that filmed in Taiwan!!!

And full length video is worth to watch from begin to the end again and again... WELL DONE!
  RE: 哇哈哈!!拔得頭籌
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/16
steve has convinced me to ride the bjorn levin frame. that is by far the best feeling 20" i've ever stepped on =|
  RE: 哇哈哈!!拔得頭籌
  Replier: Gordon (國棟)     Reply Time: 2010/11/16
2010/11/16, user Gordon has made number 1 times of modification
wow this was a really a nice vid. hey Kev i really enjoyed this vid, nice trip. all you have to do now is a segment in St. Vincent. I was really impressed with how the guys ride really smooth. really looking forward to the next vid.
  RE: 哇哈哈!!拔得頭籌
  Replier: Park     Reply Time: 2010/11/16
很精彩的片段,I'm really enjoy it. 感謝凱文大大的分享。
  RE: 哇哈哈!!拔得頭籌
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/17
thanks everyone :)