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>   Topic: [Video] Wherestheseat.com presents John Webster   7 Replies    5364 Views   
  Wherestheseat.com presents John Webster
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2010/11/23
http://vimeo.com/17094942  Like(1)+ expand- fold
We spent a day in Victoria with Canadian Champion John Webster. John is the first Canadian elite rider to get into the finals at UCI worlds. In this video, he shares with us his experience during the competition, and what he plans on doing to prepare to next year.
  RE: Wherestheseat.com presents John Webster
  Replier: Gordon (國棟)     Reply Time: 2010/11/23
hey Kev, its a really nice vid. i appreciate that you mite be very modest and say no,but i think you ride better than he does. you should spend more time in competitions, you've got what it takes. but just like Frank, you guys are wasting your talent by not seriously competing.
  RE: Wherestheseat.com presents John Webster
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/23
I don't think it'd be modest for me to say that I am no where near the level of riding John is at. There is not a single line in the video I can do. Even outside of competitions John will out ride me move by move. I remember riding with him at the trials park one time, and I thought that maybe I am not that far behind him because we were riding the same lines. It wasn't until the end of the ride that I realized he was riding switch foot...
  RE: Wherestheseat.com presents John Webster
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/23
If I can find a sponsor that will pay for me to travel and compete I'd definitely be down with it ;) Otherwise I can't commit myself to something like that.
  RE: Wherestheseat.com presents John Webster
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2010/11/23
I have to admit that i dont have much talent on sport, and trials. Trials is only the sport I like it, and enjoy it for long times, but if I spend too much time on it, that will be wast my time... because im not that talented, and there is no meaning for me to focus on the competition.
  RE: Wherestheseat.com presents John Webster
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2010/11/23
I don't know frank...I've seen you on tv. That means you must be rich and famous right?!
  RE: Wherestheseat.com presents John Webster
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2010/11/23
Quote Kevin article-
I don't know frank...I've seen you on tv. That means you ...

LOL!! yea! i got 12000NTD award!! you know that im soooooo rich!! :)
  RE: Wherestheseat.com presents John Webster
  Replier: Gordon (國棟)     Reply Time: 2010/11/24
Quote FrankYueh article-

LOL!! yea! i got 12000NTD award!! you know that im soooo...

wow thats allot of cash! ummm lets see, $12000nt, thats about $970EC