My new brakeless toy
張貼者: Kevin
張貼時間: 2010/12/03
I got tired of waiting for hope to send my brakes, so I decided to try the bjorn levin brakeless. To my surprise, it is actually very good the way it is! I can sit on the backwheel without using brakes. I think the geometry and weight of this frame is very dialed right now, and I'm looking forward to riding it with the brakes on.
RE: My new brakeless toy
wow that vid makes me want to go breakless. hehe well its just a thoug. lol
hey kev, whats the measurement of the bb on this bike?
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2010/12/03
it's suppose to be +85
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2010/12/03
and you really should try your bike without brakes. It's helped me understand how the fundamentals of the techniques work.
of course it's also really fun ;)
RE: My new brakeless toy
Bingo!! BB high same to WORLDCAT tiny talent as photo and I told frank try brakeless riding 10 years ago that's pity not popular at that time =(
文章於 2010/12/03 由 frankyueh 做過第 1 次的修改
Bingo!! BB high same to WORLDCAT tiny talent as photo and...
brakeless pretty hard though, I dont think its okay if you start to learn trials with no brake.
you have to off the brake from that cat.
文章於 2010/12/03 由 frankyueh 做過第 1 次的修改
by the way, what the relation between "BB high same to WORLDCAT tiny talent as photo" and this thread??? just another annoying advertisement of WORLDCAT???
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2010/12/03
文章於 2010/12/03 由 kevinliu 做過第 1 次的修改
Theres a lot more to the bike than just bb height actually...the geometry of the two bikes are quite different :) you're welcome to bring your bike for a side by side test ride comparison.
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2010/12/03
I just got back from a midnight ride at a loading dock. Turns out 110cm is no problem without brakes...video is coming :)