張貼者: Kevin
張貼時間: 2010/12/10
回應者: Gordon (國棟)
回應時間: 2010/12/10
回應者: 老K
回應時間: 2010/12/10
回應者: mark
回應時間: 2010/12/10
回應者: 橘祖
回應時間: 2010/12/10
回應者: Gordon (國棟)
回應時間: 2010/12/10
回應者: mark
回應時間: 2010/12/11
回應者: 老K
回應時間: 2010/12/11
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2010/12/11
is it the 2010 "the one" brake? I ordered one as well for my new 26 bike. How was it?引用 mark 的文章-阿哲今天在我店看到一組丟在牆角的義大利製FORMULA碟煞猛流口水, 我都還不知道那個有什麼好哩!
回應者: 哲哲
回應時間: 2010/12/11
回應者: mark
回應時間: 2010/12/12
引用 Kevin 的文章-is it the 2010 "the one" brake? I ordered one as well for...
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2010/12/12
回應者: mark
回應時間: 2010/12/12
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2010/12/12