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>   Topic: [Actv.] anyone in Taichung want to ride some bikes?   3 Replies    4709 Views   
  anyone in Taichung want to ride some bikes?
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2011/01/17
I'm free tomorrow (tues) afternoon :)
  RE: anyone in Taichung want to ride some bikes?
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2011/01/17
凱文同學目前人在台中, 明天星期二剛好有空, 有沒有台中一帶車友要一起騎車的趕快出聲吧.
  RE: anyone in Taichung want to ride some bikes?
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2011/01/17
i will arrive Tues night... everyone in?

我週二晚上到, 有人要夜騎嗎?
  RE: anyone in Taichung want to ride some bikes?
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2011/01/19
anyone want to hit up metro park tomorrow? (thurs) i rode around my hotel today, but there really wasn't much to ride :(