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>   Topic: [Video] short video from taichung   8 Replies    5216 Views   
  short video from taichung
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2011/01/19
just rode a bit today around my hotel. also testing out my new lens :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8krHApVWaM  Like(1)+ expand- fold
  RE: short video from taichung
  Replier: 賓哥     Reply Time: 2011/01/19
2011/01/19, user benjey has made number 1 times of modification
跳高壓電箱太危險了吧 , 那可是22000伏特
  RE: short video from taichung
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2011/01/19
Quote 賓哥 article-
跳高壓電箱太危險了吧 , 那可是22000伏特

QQ! 電箱是練攀岩車的好物,必須克服22000伏特的壓力,同時表現出若無其事的穩定度,才是王道。
  RE: short video from taichung
  Replier: 攀岩以斯拉     Reply Time: 2011/01/20
看來 加拿大人是要來踩遍 台灣的5大都市 到高雄去時 不要忘了去找陳菊阿姨 她很推薦單車運動 不過 她可能沒看過 攀岩車的威力 而下次我去加拿大Saskatoon 一定要玩大攀
  RE: short video from taichung
  Replier: 聖樺     Reply Time: 2011/01/20
Quote 攀岩以斯拉 article-
看來 加拿大人是要來踩遍 台灣的5大都市 到高雄去時 不要忘了去找陳菊阿姨 她很推薦單車運動 不過 她可能沒看過...
菊阿姨看過了 自行車倉庫的活動表演我有去
  RE: short video from taichung
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2011/01/20
who's that?
  RE: short video from taichung
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2011/01/20
Quote Kevin article-
who's that?

She is a mayor of Kaohsiung... not important... just a politician...
  RE: short video from taichung
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2011/01/20
Kevin is more bouncy than last year, that remind me the fight of 126cm in my shop last time.

Want to challenge again? the pallets still there.
  RE: short video from taichung
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2011/01/20
i think it's too hot in there:(