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>   Topic: [Equip] BB problems   22 Replies    18787 Views   
  RE: BB problems
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2011/01/31
I don't care where it's made, as long as it works. Clearly, this bb does not work.
  RE: BB problems
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2011/02/03
Gordon needs a new BB parts who can send him one good and cheap that the reason for transport expense too high from Taiwan to San- Vincent eventhough free of charge for the BB.
  RE: BB problems
  Replier: OA     Reply Time: 2011/02/08
2011/02/08, user debun has made number 1 times of modification
There where a few replies in Chinese so maybe somone already said this.

ISIS spline BB's have a taper. It looks like one or a combination of two problems. The crank spline/taper is worn or not made to spec or the BB spline/taper is not made to spec/worn. Before you replace the BB or crank I would try to identify which part is not to spec. Do you have any old BB's or cranks laying around?