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>   Topic: [Video] Kenny in LA   3 Replies    3451 Views   
  Kenny in LA
  Author: Gordon (國棟)     Post Time: 2011/02/19
2011/02/19, user Gordon has made number 1 times of modification
this is nice cool more relax vid of kenny

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioaTIMB8vIg&feature=bf_play&playnext=1&list=QL&index=1  Like(4)+ expand- fold<
  RE: Kenny in LA
  Replier: 攀岩以斯拉     Reply Time: 2011/02/19
非常輕盈流暢 有些場景的片段讓人不得不聯想到 Danny Macaskill 只是後者多了 空中360旋轉 與 360後空翻...
  RE: Kenny in LA
  Replier: Gordon (國棟)     Reply Time: 2011/02/20
Quote 攀岩以斯拉 article-
非常輕盈流暢 有些場景的片段讓人不得不聯想到 Danny Macaskill 只是後者多了 空中360旋轉 與 3...

yea it does remind you allot of Danny Mac. thats the first thing i though of.
  RE: Kenny in LA
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2011/02/21