>   主題: [影片] Jeff Anderson on his Neon Bow   4 回應    4474 觀看   
  Jeff Anderson on his Neon Bow
  張貼者: Kevin     張貼時間: 2011/02/24
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdSlHt4ruRg  喜歡(1)+ 展開- 隱藏
It's been a while since I've actually shot and edited a video seriously. I have to say I'm a little bit rusty. Had a lot of fun shooting this with Jeff though. It was also my first time using the Olympus EPL-2, so the settings are not quite refined yet.
  RE: Jeff Anderson on his Neon Bow
  回應者: Gordon (國棟)     回應時間: 2011/02/24
hay Kev thats a nice vid, i always enjoy looking at this guy ride. i like his style and it was
really nice seeing him with my bike (bow 2,5)

hay whats the specs of teh set up he has. i would really like to know
  RE: Jeff Anderson on his Neon Bow
  回應者: Gordon (國棟)     回應時間: 2011/02/24
  RE: Jeff Anderson on his Neon Bow
  回應者: 尿尿小P     回應時間: 2011/02/24
可惜 jeff 不在台灣 , 要不然我就拜他為師..
  RE: Jeff Anderson on his Neon Bow
  回應者: Kevin     回應時間: 2011/02/24
wait till you see webster's new video ;)